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74 Votes

How to play Huskar properly

March 30, 2012 by BigCountry
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AwsmAssassin (1) | August 30, 2014 9:31am
I think burning spears is a really important skill, say if you were to lane with sniper, you could get only a few hits on him till he runs back to his ttower range, now, if you get him to a low health, where the burning spear kills him, good thing it is :D
xCO2 (72) | February 2, 2014 10:39am
Sphinkhy wrote:

But mate, you miss out on a lot of kills with no burning spear, naked lifesteal mask doesn't give any stats/dmg to actually get kills and a naked satanic won't give you the power to actually kill somebody either.

Also I really dislike heart for huskar since it will constantly heal you up to 100% health while huskar is stronger with less health.

You are really overdoing the aspect of health sustain on a hero that already has a healing spell of his own.

The only thing about lifesteal huskar is that, if you are 5 levels or so ahead of your enemies and you go 1 v 3 or something, it can get to the point where you are not losing any net health during the fight so you are truly unkillable for them.
Then again all heroes start at lv 1 with same gold, so you need something that will give you advantage in early game and give you kills to begin with.

The guide is out of date and hasn't been changed since, at the time of this publication the author's build was feasible.
Sphinkhy (1) | February 2, 2014 9:31am
But mate, you miss out on a lot of kills with no burning spear, naked lifesteal mask doesn't give any stats/dmg to actually get kills and a naked satanic won't give you the power to actually kill somebody either.

Also I really dislike heart for huskar since it will constantly heal you up to 100% health while huskar is stronger with less health.

You are really overdoing the aspect of health sustain on a hero that already has a healing spell of his own.

The only thing about lifesteal huskar is that, if you are 5 levels or so ahead of your enemies and you go 1 v 3 or something, it can get to the point where you are not losing any net health during the fight so you are truly unkillable for them.
Then again all heroes start at lv 1 with same gold, so you need something that will give you advantage in early game and give you kills to begin with.
CMAC85 | July 15, 2013 6:34am
Tried this last night for the first time in a match (had practiced with bots before screwing over a team). This worked perfectly as the game went on I started to become almost unkillable. Only thing I will mention heroes like Ursa can give you problems early since they do physical damage.
temp123 (2) | November 15, 2012 4:31pm
I like your guide, but I like getting 1 point in burning spears at 8. Being able to drop my health, I can jungle much faster if I need to.
Marlo | September 14, 2012 11:40am
Hello, i hope you read comments because i have some questions :D

Your build made me very veyr imba in pub games (22 0, 1v3 undertower trololo, 26mn satanic, etc.). But im suspicious about friends and ennemis.

If bs try to find you in jungle, just hold position and kill him, no ? Especially with your build ?

And dont you think Axe is a strong ennemy with his ultimate (this ultimate can OS you at low lfe, and dont care about shallow grave Oo).

So... Its a very very good guide, anyway ! The best i think !
Chaku | August 11, 2012 6:33am
very nice guide item combination is very awesome i played huskar first time with this guide and i really pwnd my lane, thumbs up^^
Ruffian (1) | August 5, 2012 8:27pm
Exactly how I play huskar. +1
Alcatraz The Jaywalker (2) | July 30, 2012 6:29pm
I think you logic is flawed
SuperOssimMan (2) | July 23, 2012 6:13am
Good guide imo, tried a couple of matches, and I did much better than usual (I wasn't very good to begin with but whatever), although with a few personal modifications:

I rush Power Treads first, starting out with Belt of Strength and a Healing Salve, and starting out with Berserker's Blood. Definitely gave me an edge for last-hitting and vs harassment, but no early-game lifesteal for a while.

I also get burning spear at 9 and 10, a third time at 13, then delay the last untill whenever I feel that 3 levels still aren't enough. The reasoning behind this is that Burning Spear is most useful against fleeing enemies, when they have very little health left and running away after a fight or whatever. Most times, an enemy will have more burning spear stacks on them than you need, if you have been attacking with just that and Life Break. However, with my tweaked skill build, if you chase someone who only has ~150 life left, you can use the manual fire for burning spear, which, as mentioned in the guide, has extra range if used as such. Burning spear at level 3 does 72 damage over 6 seconds. There is also damage from the attack itself, and you should be able to deal more than enough damage with the normal attack by the time you are level 13. Unless the enemy has some special heal-recovery maneuver, its a guaranteed kill.
methodmissin | July 17, 2012 8:26pm
This is working very well for me, but I started taking berserker's blood first, then Inner Vitality. Why? Because with the no-item start, I want to have pushing power so I can push the lane past the side shop by the time I get 900 gold. It also helps auto-attack last-hitting. Besides, I hit level 2 before I need to drop Inner Vitality, so having it sooner is pretty much worthless compared to the damage/attack-speed-boost of Berserker's blood.

After that I play the build as recommended. Nothing can stop me unless it can stun me or out-lifesteal me. And BKB is essential for the first one. SO many heroes underestimate the pain Berserker's Blood enables Huskar to dish out, and the IAS means they better run early.
Winning | July 7, 2012 2:43pm
You forgot Axe in the enemy section; Easy ult. :3
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