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32 Votes

Overcoming Meepo-phobia: An In-depth Guide to Microing Geomancers

November 23, 2013 by CaptCPC
Comments: 16    |    Views: 215223    |   

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A Nice Guy | July 31, 2015 9:58am
higgins wrote:

Pudge can also wreak havok on Meepo. Lots of targets for him to hook.

Pudge is pretty much dead after hooking a meepo. 4 poofs on his face and a net to stop his ult. Then its time for pudge to rot away!
Izzet Cthulu (1) | May 7, 2014 7:29pm
Thank you for the guide. It helped a lot; aka Meepo is my 3rd best hero now! Love the bloodstone glitch: got called a hacker by the enemy team all the way to victory. +1
apocalypticapple | April 18, 2014 5:29pm
This guide was great and really helped me master meepo. I only pick him sometimes but when it's the right game all hell breaks loose.
gerdez | April 18, 2014 3:54pm
Everybody whines about how hard this hero is when all he does is boom-boom-boom on your *** with all his clones, then Meka. He has mass disable, and OP one target nuke. It's far easier then most illusion heroes. He has no real counter, maybe ES... Meepo sucks. That's it.
Xr Kyuz | January 31, 2014 11:55pm
How do i set my hotkeys till
F1 Meepo
F2 2nd meepo
F# 3rd meepo

+1 anyway nice guide :3
LoneSong | January 17, 2014 1:27pm
Great guide, helped my completely nooby friend play meepo.
CaptCPC (2) | October 17, 2013 1:49pm
EDIT: I was wondering why those illusions hit so hard. Thought it was unique to Manta Style.

- Base armor reduced by 1
- Turn rate improved from 0.5 to 0.65
- Earthbind cast point improved from 0.5 to 0.3
- Divided We Stand leveling rebalanced from 6/11/16 to 4/11/18
- Removed 30% stat sharing on non-aghanim Divided We Stand
-Nightvision reduced to 800

New Tranquil Boots
Active Boots:
+ 85 Movement speed
+ 4 Armor
+ 10 HP Regeneration

Broken Boots:
+ 60 Movement speed
+ 4 Armor
Restores when you haven't attacked or been attacked in the last 13 seconds.

Well I'll be...that just happened.
NBalfa | October 13, 2013 1:47pm
actually i think that meepo can be played as a hard carry contesting in raw autoattack power even the hardest carries there are. except of pl(only sven kills cancer). you can do this by either stacking e-blades or skadi's. and of course dont forget of anything that provides you with extra illusions: manta style, illusion runes, a shadow daemon in your team. you must never foget of those as if the illusion is supposed to have 50% the damage of the hero, it will have 100% the damage on meepo with aghs. the only problem with it is that you have to be twice as aware of the situation of every meepo as if one dies you might lose the game if you are not snowballing by that point

also add pudge on the foes as it is so hard to miss a hook with pudge on meepo in tight situations (for meepo) + if he gets some constant ganks on you, it will might lose you the game.

one last thing: slark is a pain in the *** to lane against even in a 2v1 situation
higgins (1) | October 3, 2013 11:32am
Pudge can also wreak havok on Meepo. Lots of targets for him to hook.
hjvaughan (4) | October 1, 2013 4:50am
You know, I've always been scared of trying meepo, but I think I wanna try him now... In a bot match obviously :3

For now...
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | September 29, 2013 1:32pm
I am just glad this guide actually tells people Divided We Stand has a major drawback.
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