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The big downside is where to lane him. Generally speaking most people who read dotafire guides for help are in dual lanes so i say off lane with a long range defensive support like SD, Lion, or Jakiro. Someone who can help you secure treads plus Bracer to start ganking.
@porygon :D cool.
It seems pretty good if you're the safe lane farmer and your team is dependent on you- it gives Decent Attack Speed, and transmute can help you snowball better into the late game in and between ganks/pushes.
Definitely situational though.
That being said you can get MoM very early on SB, and at least in pubs you can use it to destroy other lanes before carries really have any of their items. Surely situational, but as long as you don't pop it in the beginning of a team fight I really like the item on SB.
One question, wouldn't the speed bonus MoM gives you help your greater bash do more damage? I have been mostly building MoM, Drums, yasha into SnY on SB (race car sb), getting a bkb whenever needed. I'll need to try rushing armlet into maelstrom though, as I love armlet and it gives huge damage/stats for the money.