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Bovine Blitzkrieg - "It's Moo time, motherf&#%er!"

June 28, 2013 by Triumph117
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dynasty987 (6) | June 30, 2013 1:28pm
Triumph117 wrote:

The damage increase for the bash is negligible, roughly a 40 damage increase isn't a huge deal on an ability that procs unreliably. If it were every attack, sure. But it's not which means you're not going to give you the firepower to drop hard targets anyway without help. Soft targets like furion with a midas you can already solo easily anyway without the MoM. Anything harder than that? Well you're already ganking with teammates anyway.

The problem I've seen with MoM is you eat a couple of stuns, you die. And you will eat stuns. You're charging into the middle of everyone. You need that BKB or you'll get focus fired very easily.

Without the MoM you will still eat stuns but you will have the ability to keep on fighting anyway.

If you're charging into lots of enemies on your own then you're doing it wrong. If the enemies are stunning you in preference to other people in a teamfight then that's really not that bad - preferable to them stunning your actual carry. Spirit breaker is more of a 1v1 ganker than a teamfight hero and should be played as such. Get a few aggressive wards up, see someone on their own - charge and kill. Mom is perfect for this. I tend to not activate mom in a teamfight until after the initial round of cc has been thrown anyway.

Plus, BKB is the item I get after mom. Spirit breaker is a pubstomp hero and the sort of one you pick when the opposition don't have loads of stuns. He is pretty terrible against coordinated teams with lots of cc.

Finally, builds are personal preference and I'm not saying yours doesn't work. I just don't personally feel that aghanims is the best investment. I'd rather a drum + mom, or mom + half a bkb.
Triumph117 (11) | June 30, 2013 12:37pm
The damage increase for the bash is negligible, roughly a 40 damage increase isn't a huge deal on an ability that procs unreliably. If it were every attack, sure. But it's not which means you're not going to give you the firepower to drop hard targets anyway without help. Soft targets like furion with a midas you can already solo easily anyway without the MoM. Anything harder than that? Well you're already ganking with teammates anyway.

The problem I've seen with MoM is you eat a couple of stuns, you die. And you will eat stuns. You're charging into the middle of everyone. You need that BKB or you'll get focus fired very easily.

Without the MoM you will still eat stuns but you will have the ability to keep on fighting anyway.
dynasty987 (6) | June 30, 2013 11:12am
I don't dispute that this build works, but I really do like mom on him, for a few reasons.

The attack speed is great early game, you are giving yourself a huge percentage attack speed increase if you get it early (eg after treads).

In your posts you seem to have forgotten the movespeed increase which increases bash damage (apologies if I missed you mentioning this), not only increasing damage of every bash, but also your ult.

The movespeed can also be used to escape, combined with empowering haste you run ridiculously fast.

The increased damage taken is irrelevant in a 1v1 situation as you will have them bashed half the time, and the 17% lifesteal usually makes up for any damage they do manage to do to you.

With a mom you can pretty much guarantee killing any solo hero, of course you'd be silly to try and 1v4 with a mom, but then you'd be silly to try and 1v4 anyway unless you're overfed. You can always choose not to activate it in some situations. The way I play bara is picking off solo heroes earlygame and snowballing into midgame. With a bit of coordination (ie announce you are charging mid when it is at your tower), you can get plenty of easy kills.

My usual build is treads, mom, bkb, AC, by which time the game is usually over (skillbuild pretty much the same, maxing bash, then haste, then charge). I've also found that on hardlane you can still be very effective with little farm by rushing mom before completing treads and basically stunlocking opponents in ganks with the help of your team.
MidniteFox | June 29, 2013 8:02am
Triumph117 wrote:

Bash directly upgrades not 1, not 2, but 3 skills. That's why we max it out ASAP everytime. A level 4 bash has the same stun time as a level 2 Charge, so it's more efficient to max out Empowering Haste as it lets you and teammates keep on hitting a fleeing target rather than having a 0.8 second longer stun on a 35 second cool down. If you don't max out haste early you'll probably find you need both Drums and Phase boots to keep up with opponents which cuts into your survivability and delays Scepter.

MoM was useful back in the days of carry SB not because of the bash, the bash was nice but what was awesome was the insane burst DPS it gave him. Empowering Haste actually improved damage as well based on Move Speed so you could hit 180 damage per auto attack early as level 7 with just treads and MoM (haste was so damn good you maxed it first before bash and everything else). With that kind of damage combined with the IAS of MoM you could beat just about any other hero into a bloody pulp very easily.

The problem now is you don't get the insane burst DPS. Instead you become incredibly squishy. Say you have 1000 HP at level 6. Turn MoM on and now you effectively only have 700 HP. You've gone from being one of the tankiest heroes in the game to almost as squishy as Crystal Maiden and other supports.

When your skill set involves you diving headfirst into a pack of 3-5 heroes this is not a good thing. This is a very, very, bad thing. If you get snapped in half like a twig as soon as you try to fight you're not going to live long enough to lock people down. To use a MoM effectively you need to also have a BKB and unfortunately due to you not being a carry you don't have time to sit down and farm this after getting a MoM. You need to be out ganking people and causing havok.

When you charge someone hope to proc 1 bash, no more. Combined with Charge and Nether Strike that's 4.8 seconds of stun time (to put it in perspective it's like hitting someone 3 times in a row with back to back Light Strike Arrays from Lina) if your teammates haven't managed to maim or kill your target in this period of time you've probably got bigger issues than your attack speed.

If you get a bunch of extra bashes, gravy. But if you don't go in planning to get 5 stuns in a row you'll never find yourself disappointed.

You could make an argument towards getting it really late after both a scepter and BKB and when you need more frequent bashes to lock down a really farmed hard carry, but at that point you're better off diversifying into stuff like an Orchid or Assault Cuirass as they provide better utility to your team and don't compromise your survivability.

thank you so much for explaining, i now see how i can improve even better now without leaving myself open for easy kills against me. I was still playing pre last patch way and it has been hurting me. Now if you guys can tell me how to get around RUbik ill be even better off!!!
Triumph117 (11) | June 29, 2013 6:41am
MidniteFox wrote:

I understand scepter, and i love how you spread things out in the Skills, I was usually pushing Charge first and then putting everything into bash and Empowering Haste back and fourth but i think this setup will be much better. What i don't understand is why you dont use MoM. The attack speed generated skyrockets and that therefore increases your chance for a bash correct? Im relatively new so please correct me if im wrong but with SB the more bashes = better right???

Bash directly upgrades not 1, not 2, but 3 skills. That's why we max it out ASAP everytime. A level 4 bash has the same stun time as a level 2 Charge, so it's more efficient to max out Empowering Haste as it lets you and teammates keep on hitting a fleeing target rather than having a 0.8 second longer stun on a 35 second cool down. If you don't max out haste early you'll probably find you need both Drums and Phase boots to keep up with opponents which cuts into your survivability and delays Scepter.

MoM was useful back in the days of carry SB not because of the bash, the bash was nice but what was awesome was the insane burst DPS it gave him. Empowering Haste actually improved damage as well based on Move Speed so you could hit 180 damage per auto attack early as level 7 with just treads and MoM (haste was so damn good you maxed it first before bash and everything else). With that kind of damage combined with the IAS of MoM you could beat just about any other hero into a bloody pulp very easily.

The problem now is you don't get the insane burst DPS. Instead you become incredibly squishy. Say you have 1000 HP at level 6. Turn MoM on and now you effectively only have 700 HP. You've gone from being one of the tankiest heroes in the game to almost as squishy as Crystal Maiden and other supports.

When your skill set involves you diving headfirst into a pack of 3-5 heroes this is not a good thing. This is a very, very, bad thing. If you get snapped in half like a twig as soon as you try to fight you're not going to live long enough to lock people down. To use a MoM effectively you need to also have a BKB and unfortunately due to you not being a carry you don't have time to sit down and farm this after getting a MoM. You need to be out ganking people and causing havok.

When you charge someone hope to proc 1 bash, no more. Combined with Charge and Nether Strike that's 4.8 seconds of stun time (to put it in perspective it's like hitting someone 3 times in a row with back to back Light Strike Arrays from Lina) if your teammates haven't managed to maim or kill your target in this period of time you've probably got bigger issues than your attack speed.

If you get a bunch of extra bashes, gravy. But if you don't go in planning to get 5 stuns in a row you'll never find yourself disappointed.

You could make an argument towards getting it really late after both a scepter and BKB and when you need more frequent bashes to lock down a really farmed hard carry, but at that point you're better off diversifying into stuff like an Orchid or Assault Cuirass as they provide better utility to your team and don't compromise your survivability.
porygon361 (46) | June 29, 2013 6:27am
MidniteFox wrote:

I understand scepter, and i love how you spread things out in the Skills, I was usually pushing Charge first and then putting everything into bash and Empowering Haste back and fourth but i think this setup will be much better. What i don't understand is why you dont use MoM. The attack speed generated skyrockets and that therefore increases your chance for a bash correct? Im relatively new so please correct me if im wrong but with SB the more bashes = better right???

MoM is a situational item for Spirit Breaker because it also increases his vulnerability to damage. Even though he is tanky, he can get screwed if the other team has big nukers.
MidniteFox | June 29, 2013 5:15am
I understand scepter, and i love how you spread things out in the Skills, I was usually pushing Charge first and then putting everything into bash and Empowering Haste back and fourth but i think this setup will be much better. What i don't understand is why you dont use MoM. The attack speed generated skyrockets and that therefore increases your chance for a bash correct? Im relatively new so please correct me if im wrong but with SB the more bashes = better right???
Yosiu | June 29, 2013 12:44am
Good guide ! it's definitely matching my SB gameplay. I really hate people farming too long instead of ganking. They are wasting true potential - similiar to Bounty Hunter.
I ussually start with gauntlet and get urn, i don't build magic wand.
I think you should add some more description of situational items.
And to all spirit breakers: get dat DUST to pwn riki !!
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