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95 Votes

Gather under my shade...

August 25, 2013 by fabioisonfire
Comments: 41    |    Views: 376103    |   

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Thifiell | September 16, 2015 7:43pm
No word about such a nice item as radiance?? You can push lived staying in invisibility, you can damage enemies bring completely invisible, you can farm your scepter after very much cool stuff
Blubbles (13) | April 10, 2015 11:49pm
Needs Agh's update. It's too good to pass up now.
BurnWoodLee | October 29, 2014 12:45pm
My first time ever commenting a build. I LOVE this aura support. I Love How you can just BE IN the battle, not doing anything and still be helpfull. I LOVE supporting the team, and with this build i just get commendations all the time :p
Phalanx300 | September 27, 2014 2:41am
Probably the best Treant guide out there. Could you update it to include the new changes to Treant Protector? Also another nice thing I've noticed as Treant: Blink doesn't dispell your Nature's Guise, making it even more of a core.

Also since a few patches ago, Vladmir's Offering DOES stack with Assault Cuirass.
Blubbles (13) | August 17, 2014 11:00am
I firmly believe that using a Soul Ring / Power Treads combo. Soul Ring gives you the burst mana while power treads give you attack speed and a bigger mana pool.
Blubbles (13) | August 17, 2014 11:00am
I firmly believe that using a Soul Ring / Power Treads combo. Soul Ring gives you the burst mana while power treads give you attack speed and a bigger mana pool.
vonflare | May 27, 2014 10:52am
Great guide!

Can't think of anything I would change. This is exactly how I use treant.

Eightfold (9) | May 8, 2014 6:41pm
This is a really good guide for Treant Protector, but I think you should make it clearer (both here and in the steam in-game guides) what parts of Vladmir's Offering and Assault Cuirass stacks and doesn't stack.
TheSofa (54) | April 3, 2014 6:40pm
Love the quotes!
caine1232 (3) | November 1, 2013 2:20am
This is by far the best treant guide on Dotafire. I use your aura support build everytime I play him and I have never lost! (9/0 W/L ratio) +1 for you.
EC the pony | July 16, 2013 12:45pm
A friend and I tried your notion of using Living Armor to make new junglers. It works for some characters. We actually created a very effective jungling Tiny and a fair jungling Leshrac (though he had obvious problems). I definitely recommend some experimentation.
PrisonerZeUber | June 20, 2013 2:35am
I really enjoyed the guide and it helped a lot, but I always pictured Treant as a hard support, stacking and pulling, mainly focusing on helping the carry get the farm and dedicating most of his attention to him. This leads me to question getting a stout shield at the beginning, as he doesn't really need the extra defense as his Living Armor has a ridiculously low mana cost and should Treant be harrassed, he can pop that skill reducing a lot of damage and healing for a large amount early game. This how I think he should be played, like a hard support, shouldn't the stout be replaced by wards? Maybe I'm just not playing him right, but I usually stack pull as Treant, focusing my Living Armor on my carry so should he get harassed I can easily heal him, and this style of play works very well for me as the carry can last hit and deny well, getting sufficient farm and denying gold and EXP from the enemy and usually dominating in the late game due to him having no deaths and being able to farm in peace. I've seen a few people play Treant differently, I've seen him solo lane and as a ganker to, so I am still undecided on how to play him.
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