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5 Votes


January 18, 2013 by SuperNova
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dedmau5 | April 11, 2013 7:39am
I actually go for Power Treads and Battle Fury on Ogre Magi when our random team lacks a carry. I then get Assault Cuirass and normally wreak havoc. All that stun and slow is great for a carry, so why not go for it, of you don't hava a real one? :)
SuperNova (16) | March 14, 2013 4:40am
h55d wrote:

Getting the slow instead of the stun at level 1 is waaaaaay more useful to chase or retreat if there are no channelling disable in front of you.

Thats honestly a matter of opinion. some people prefer the 1.5 sec stun some people want the 4 sec 20% slow. Its up to the player.
h55d (2) | February 15, 2013 5:29am
Getting the slow instead of the stun at level 1 is waaaaaay more useful to chase or retreat if there are no channelling disable in front of you.
SuperNova (16) | November 30, 2012 9:27am
basilius removed. soul ring added. euls added to a seperate build based on feedback.
SuperNova (16) | November 30, 2012 9:23am
jaslam wrote:

only advice -
don't get a basilius. soul ring / urn would be better for only extra 300 gold. Only get a basi, when you're building it into the next item.
also agree with the orchid, you don't need it - a Eul's would be much better - for the increase MS, and active (will allow you to chain stun when you have aganims, Eul's, and chain stun again..) as well as the insane mana regen..

Mech is ok, but it will make you more of a target in clashes - buy at your own risk! :) (your cd's are very fast, so the longer you live during a clash, the more use you have been) generally there are other targets weaker than magi, like CM or lion, that get targetted first, but with a mech - that might shift to you..

main reason mek is there is because if you dont get it teamates bash you and this site would probably bash this guide if it didnt have it. i choose orchid because it amplifys your spells, i agree that you dont have to get it but its a viable pickup if nobody else got it. il change the basilius now. i agree with the euls, il put it in.
jaslam (21) | November 30, 2012 8:18am
only advice -
don't get a basilius. soul ring / urn would be better for only extra 300 gold. Only get a basi, when you're building it into the next item.
also agree with the orchid, you don't need it - a Eul's would be much better - for the increase MS, and active (will allow you to chain stun when you have aganims, Eul's, and chain stun again..) as well as the insane mana regen..

Mech is ok, but it will make you more of a target in clashes - buy at your own risk! :) (your cd's are very fast, so the longer you live during a clash, the more use you have been) generally there are other targets weaker than magi, like CM or lion, that get targetted first, but with a mech - that might shift to you..
LiLPr0 (9) | November 30, 2012 12:46am
how is this a new way again?
SuperNova (16) | November 29, 2012 9:26pm
derrp. i thought i had made a mistake somwhere, thanks for pointing it out and as you probably know hades i hate support ogre but il put the stuff in anyway. i use a different kind of sophisticated lexis here to try and appeal to a certain audience but il clean it up. you may think the items are odd but its just what i started out playing. this isnt supposed to be support ogre but il make another build for it.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 29, 2012 9:22pm
Hey Supernova, nice job on writing the guide! I love all the color you put into it, in my opinion it fits the personality of the Ogre Magi's!

But in the skill build, I believe you can't actually get Fireblast at lvl 3 and 4, you have to get one into your other skills.
For your items...I don't think Ogre Magi should actually get Orchid. Leave orchid to the carries like Clinkz who excels in using it, or to just another person. For your starting items, you need to put a ward/courier there bro. You should be the one buying the Animal courier, or if that has been purchased, then wards. Consider a Force Staff..?

Anyways, just get back to me on this one Nova, I will probably come back to +1 :) it .
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