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63 Votes

DotA 2 Understanding Damage Types

May 18, 2013 by Chicken here
Comments: 22    |    Views: 89461    |   

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BobbyJay621 | March 28, 2014 11:26am
This was really helpful. Obvious +1!
redivider | March 12, 2014 3:34pm
Intriguing guide, I would also like to add where you have magical damage and you say that all heroes have 25% magic resistance, that is except for meepo (35%) and visage (10%). +1
Schmiloff (1) | February 15, 2014 3:33pm
Amazing guide! So much of this I took for granted in game this has really helped me improve thanks for an amazing guide! I look forward to reading more keep up the good work!
BohemianSoldier | October 27, 2013 7:32pm
Evasion stacks now correct? i'm not sure about items but a Phantom Assassin can buy a Butterfly correct? great guide tho +1
kalzonenu (1) | May 24, 2013 9:09am
Good guide!
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 20, 2013 4:23pm
I noticed you said that armor is useful at all stages of the game to counter physical damage. While true for the most part, it is important to understand "it gives more protection than HP items" is only true if you actually have HP to block with.

If I am a support and I have 600 HP, and I am worried about physical damage, I could spend 1400 gold on +10 armor or I could spend 525 on +6 STR ( Bracer) which would be 114 HP. In this case, I have spent far less gold to get more survivability, and against all attacks.

Every 1 point of armor is about the equivalent, when it is all said and done, to 6% more HP. So a support with 600 HP would gain 100 health only vs physical attacks for almost 3 times as much gold.

Rule of thumb: if you don't have a lot of HP, HP is better than armor/evasion.
O-R-W-K | May 18, 2013 12:13pm
The fountain deals pure damage and will not affect ethereal units. Also, Pugna's W skill puts units into ethereal form too, though the name of the skill escapes me now.
mr_diaz | May 15, 2013 3:13pm
Excelent job! +1
Chicken here (2) | March 9, 2013 7:49am
johnthesly wrote:

Great Guide!!! What kind of damage does Blademail do when activated? Does BKB work against it?

Blademail return Magical Damage.So yes,BKB ignores the damage from blademail
johnthesly | March 8, 2013 8:11am
Great Guide!!! What kind of damage does Blademail do when activated? Does BKB work against it?
ravenhouse | January 24, 2013 3:29pm
Excellent guide plus the examples of particular classes of damage helps tremendously.

plus one
zGKrom (10) | January 21, 2013 3:37am
Really useful guide for newer players and how math works in the DotA2 Gameplay.

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