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Shadowblade Eater & Anti Ganker - A guide to Slardar

March 6, 2013 by Kingkiron
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Kingkiron | March 6, 2013 8:15pm
His attack speed is not good enough early on to make use of bash. 1 Tango should be enough though.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 6, 2013 7:31pm
With the single tango, you will be lucky if you can stay in lane long enough to fend off opponents. While he may have good armor, he still wont be able to trade hits without issue.

If you want the fast ring, I feel Salve, tango, ring of protection is a better option, since you are only 2 CS away from a Basilius at that point and have much more regen.

I don't know much about how the hero is played, since I have only ever played against him... so i can't comment on the skill build, but from my perspective, I would think that maxing bash before sprint would be a better idea, since it scales better.

I like the early point in sprint, but I think bash should have priority after crush is maxed.
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