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27 Votes

Mightycookie's guide to Templar Assassin

December 8, 2013 by mightycookie
Comments: 43    |    Views: 345313    |   

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ShoutyShout13 (2) | December 31, 2013 8:13pm
You need to put Skywrath Mage in there. If he did not use his Mystic Flare and you meld on low health, he can easily turn you into smithereens. His Ancient Seal silences the ability to escape as well as to use Refraction. Spamming Arcane Bolt is also a way that can harass you OUT of the lane, preventing you to gain experience.
Feeder_Chan | October 12, 2013 10:15am
I don't know I have the easiest time vs pudge, you should be able to hit level 6 before pudge with the constant deny, splash damage. One trick is to bait a hook with your refraction up to block the damage, most pudge will turn on their rot but it doesn't matter you should meld and take his armor away and man fight him. This is effective prior to him getting level 6.
CrowSong | May 14, 2013 9:10am
Lately I've found that building a poor-man's sheild or at least buying the stout sheild is a very good way to keep Lanaya in lane with tangos and a salve, i go for that before boots sometimes. it especially helps to speed the blink dagger.

Also, i almost always build yasha right after blink, then desolator, then either sange and yasha to make her relevant late game or Manta Style for ***** and giggles.

Good guide, super fun hero.
mightycookie (5) | January 16, 2013 9:17am
chenboy3 wrote:

I'd recommend adding Viper and Venomancer as counters as well, since poison attack easily burns through refraction. You should also note that Pudge can still hook you while melded.

i never said he couldn't, you can only dodge projectiles, like tower attacks and some stuns.
ill add viper, thanks for the vote.
chenboy3 (2) | January 16, 2013 8:24am
I'd recommend adding Viper and Venomancer as counters as well, since poison attack easily burns through refraction. You should also note that Pudge can still hook you while melded.
SuperNova (16) | January 16, 2013 8:21am
mightycookie wrote:

and thats the thing, the whole power from TA comes from refraction.

It wont take your damage charges away only your damage block. If spells are hurting then bkb. autoattacks, blademail/evasion.
mightycookie (5) | January 16, 2013 6:34am
SuperNova wrote:

meh. Meld-wise veno doesnt do much. gale does very little damage and sting needs vision and its unlikey he will waste his ult on you. since it cant kill. refraction wise yes, he will ruin your charges fast.

and thats the thing, the whole power from TA comes from refraction.
SuperNova (16) | January 16, 2013 6:18am
mightycookie wrote:

forgot about him, my bad. added Venomancer

meh. Meld-wise veno doesnt do much. gale does very little damage and sting needs vision and its unlikey he will waste his ult on you. since it cant kill. refraction wise yes, he will ruin your charges fast.
mightycookie (5) | January 16, 2013 6:14am
forgot about him, my bad. added Venomancer
Cobbil | January 15, 2013 9:40pm
I like the guide, but one hero I can't believe wasn't mentioned. The king of DoTs: Venomancer

Seriously, that guy can tear through her with his three DoT abilities: Venomous Gale, Poison Sting, and his ult Poison Nova.
KholdStare88 (1) | January 15, 2013 2:07pm
I like this guide. It explains the skills are how they are used instead of copy pasting from the wiki. Overall there are nice and detailed explanations all around, without the elitist implication of "duh it's obvious why I chose this item" that some guides have.
zGKrom (10) | January 15, 2013 8:17am
It's a really good guide, you went into details alot and that's much apreaciated. It's a really good guide and I'd wish to hear more guides and opinions from you. Keep up the great work ^_^
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