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6 Votes

Tanky-Carry Anti-Mage

November 27, 2011 by exTro#154404
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karl211 | July 29, 2012 11:11pm
Nice guide for anti mage it pretty works for me
exTro#154404 (1) | November 30, 2011 1:00pm

Yeah. Gonna try out things how I said. If you have a Dota 2 Beta Key for me you can PM me whenever you want so I can share a bit more expierence hehe... ;D
Stoli (2) | November 29, 2011 11:26pm

Thank you Stoli. I'm not a pro in Dota but I love the hero so I thought maybe I share this build and my expierence a bit. I never wrote guides. Just only thede on HoN and yeah. That's it.

Thank you for the clarification. Sorry if I made mistakes or something or said at the items it's a waste. I never use something like that and as I read the Black King Bar it looked not this good. But okay. I hear better to someone like you. I also don't want that here is a noob or something. I must try out some things when I get my Dota key. BTW I'm always open for one :).

Maybe the biggest problem on my guide is that I don't have enough expierence and that I made a guide about a hero who is very skill based and have their fans out there who would make a 1000 times better guide than me.

So sorry for this guide but I hope now the build and my guide is quite good. I must learn you know :D

If you have a key add me in Steam in the DotaFire Steam-Group x).

Thanks again.


EDIT: @Potatisfarfar. Indeed. I'm a noob and don't know things about a competetive Anti-Mage but I think here on DotaFire are enough good builds for him. From Stoli for example. So maybe you can pick this guide/build in publics. :)

Just trying to help out. ^^ Like I said, the SnY -> vanguard build is very very good for pubbing.
exTro#154404 (1) | November 29, 2011 9:40am
Thank you Stoli. I'm not a pro in Dota but I love the hero so I thought maybe I share this build and my expierence a bit. I never wrote guides. Just only thede on HoN and yeah. That's it.

Thank you for the clarification. Sorry if I made mistakes or something or said at the items it's a waste. I never use something like that and as I read the Black King Bar it looked not this good. But okay. I hear better to someone like you. I also don't want that here is a noob or something. I must try out some things when I get my Dota key. BTW I'm always open for one :).

Maybe the biggest problem on my guide is that I don't have enough expierence and that I made a guide about a hero who is very skill based and have their fans out there who would make a 1000 times better guide than me.

So sorry for this guide but I hope now the build and my guide is quite good. I must learn you know :D

If you have a key add me in Steam in the DotaFire Steam-Group x).

Thanks again.


EDIT: @Potatisfarfar. Indeed. I'm a noob and don't know things about a competetive Anti-Mage but I think here on DotaFire are enough good builds for him. From Stoli for example. So maybe you can pick this guide/build in publics. :)
PotatisFarfar (11) | November 29, 2011 9:32am
Didn't know it was a passive now :o.

So many thing i have been missing.

And i am not gonna argue with exTro here.

He clearly doesn't know jack **** about competitive AM :o.
Stoli (2) | November 28, 2011 1:21pm
IMO, my AM guide is simply superior, -_- No bias there, right guys?! (I didn't downvote this one, because it is somewhat similar to my "kill ****" AM guide, but mostly.. dat bias..)

but tbh I probably should have: first, no magic wand, no gg branches. I really dislike this. AM is far from mana dependent, but an extra 225 can be an ult from 0 mana, 5 blinks, and the hp has saved me countless times. Plus, do you know how cost-efficient gg branches are?

Phase is ok on anti-mage imo. Especially if you vanguard (actually, only) but if you are getting a basher that early, it's a very poor choice. (since you can't bash while phased in DotA, I should confirm this in dota 2, however)

SnY isn't as bad as alot of elitists think. The Vanguard -> SnY build is far more effective at hero killing in pubs. It's just that if they have a balanar, bloodseeker, (you can remove their silences) you need dps, which manta vastly outperforms in, dodgable spells (nearly every spell is dodgeable, just some are easy like vs stun while others are hard like sven stun) or basically any single target disable


Black King Bar: That is a joke isn't it? I want to have a carry and not this thing. This looks trolling in my opinion. I'm not a pro and I don't play this guy very often but I can say after I read the explination that this item is a totally waste on him.

You clearly have not, then. Especially with an SnY build, bkb is essential at times, such as if they have sheepsticks (the item that hexes, been a while since I hon'd), any type of silence (usually non-******ed people would pick drow, bloodseeker, balanar, etc, against you), heroes with long natural disables (hex, shackle, shackleshot, a billion others).


Heart of Tarrasque (if you mean that with Hearth): This is an awesome item but not on an carry.

I guess you've never seen a weaver or a spectre. Heart is very good as a 2nd or 3rd item on AM. Especially after manta (since images benefit from stats), but moreso if you have skipped vanguard.


Thanks. Maybe your right but the extra-speed-active was a bit what I want and if the enemy has no Mana anymore you deal more damage with the attack damage then mana break and I think with this build you should have enough attack speed. Yeah enough mobility with Blink... But a carry can't have enough :).

True but manta gives him this same mobility, and he really doesn't need another slow if his team is even on the map.

As I wrote in my guide, sny can work quite well, especially in pubs- but manta is vastly superior
exTro#154404 (1) | November 28, 2011 12:35pm
Is Power Treads better choice as Phase Boots and if that is the case I must pick Power Treads with Agility right?

If you answer me that answer I'll add it to Early Game or to alternative okay? Thanks. But I could add it now. Please answer the question if you would be so nice.

Thanks again to you.
LuvLes (32) | November 28, 2011 11:15am
Add Power Treads as at least an alternative. In DOTA, Phase Boots have their effect dispelled when you use an ability/spell.
exTro#154404 (1) | November 28, 2011 11:00am
Thank you Loveless. We talked about that so I changed my guide here.

Hope my guide is better now.

More feedback is welcome!
LuvLes (32) | November 28, 2011 10:15am

Sorry for double-post...

Thanks to your feedback Loveless. How I said. I played Magebane in HoN and there the item wasn't a waste how you called it. But how I said also I don't know if they are real big different or not. He lacks on CC guys how I said in my "Cons"-Section so I think that this Item works very well on him. I don't want to disscuss here just to make my opinion the better opinion or something but you should explain me a bit why you think this Item sucks on him...

Anti-Mage has the best blink in the game. He doesn't need a slow. What he needs is damage to go with his high natural attack speed and great attack animation.
exTro#154404 (1) | November 28, 2011 9:43am
Sorry for double-post...

Thanks to your feedback Loveless. How I said. I played Magebane in HoN and there the item wasn't a waste how you called it. But how I said also I don't know if they are real big different or not. He lacks on CC guys how I said in my "Cons"-Section so I think that this Item works very well on him. I don't want to disscuss here just to make my opinion the better opinion or something but you should explain me a bit why you think this Item sucks on him...
exTro#154404 (1) | November 28, 2011 9:40am
Thanks to your feedback.


I don't know how this works in Dota 2 BUT in HoN works this build awesome. I played with the HoN version and it works perfectly but the cores how you call them are the waste. He lacks hard of CC and don't need this damage and if I want an carry I don't buy a heart you kow.

Battle Fury: Ok that is a good choice but S & Y is perfect on him because it gives him mobility and a slow.

Black King Bar: That is a joke isn't it? I want to have a carry and not this thing. This looks trolling in my opinion. I'm not a pro and I don't play this guy very often but I can say after I read the explination that this item is a totally waste on him.

(The first sentencese at "Items": The Items make him a bit tanky but focus more on dealing damage as a carry.")

Heart of Tarrasque (if you mean that with Hearth): This is an awesome item but not on an carry.

Spell Shield is good but Blink and Mana Break are more useful I think but I don't know.

Please explain your opinion a bit more because I can't really follow you and as I said "the item is rediclious" I don't want to say that you don't understand this game or that you are a "noob".

Here is the guide I followed a bit. It is one of the highest in HoN: And how you can see. The name says that this is an build that works very well. But I don't know how Anti-Mage and Magebane are the same.


Thanks. Maybe your right but the extra-speed-active was a bit what I want and if the enemy has no Mana anymore you deal more damage with the attack damage then mana break and I think with this build you should have enough attack speed. Yeah enough mobility with Blink... But a carry can't have enough :).
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