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39 Votes

Diremage's In-depth Guide to Nyx Mid

February 21, 2013 by diremage
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themogman | July 13, 2013 11:37am
vanhelnatz wrote:

why so few hero easy to lane with nyx assassin ??? ^_^

First of all, your skill compared to your opponent's comes into play.

The second factor is determined by who counters who.

I believe he was only looking at the second factor. In terms of who counters who, Nyx is countered by quite a few heroes, mainly because he is melee; he has to get right in the fray in order to achieve last hits and denies. Someone like Bat Rider can easily expose this weakness, and dominate Nyx.

I think the author was just trying to give some examples of good heroes and bad heroes to be lined up against. Notice he only lists a few; not every hero that he could potentially lane against is there. Also notice that there are some heroes that Nyx can easily take out.

I hope this helps.
vanhelnatz | May 6, 2013 8:34pm
why so few hero easy to lane with nyx assassin ??? ^_^
themogman | April 29, 2013 8:14pm
Keep in mind that you are not the carry; try to not take farm from your carry and focus instead on

YES!!! thank you!!! i cant stand it when a semicarry ks everything!!! if ur not the carry, dont land the kill UNLESS u r ensuring the kill, or the carry aint there. easy enough. instead of ks, u can RUN BESIDE the enemy hero just in case ur carry cant land the finishing blow. other than that, stay outta ur carry's way. they need the gold more than u do.

btw i noticed a bunch of grammatical errors. . . dont worry; im not a grammar nazi. just thought u might want to get someone to clean it up for u ^.^
diremage | February 21, 2013 9:52pm wrote:

I find that vs batrider you bring a couple of clarities, first level mana second level carapace. After the first burn he'll be left with 200 mana this is enough for 4 stacks and one firefly another 28 seconds later and he'll have mana only for either another 5 stacks OR a firely. Clarity when below 50 mana. If at some point he does get mana back for a FB combo assuming you're level 2 as well wait til he's in tower range activate the cara and you'll easily live. After surviving the first blood attempt batrider loses all efficacy and you're essentially stuck laning against a ranged creep and it all comes down to how well you can rune ***** and keep his mana low. It's still going to be hard last hitting but since batrider is ranged you should be able to get them first.

I'll keep that in mind, added your tips!
[-] | February 13, 2013 10:02am
I find that vs batrider you bring a couple of clarities, first level mana second level carapace. After the first burn he'll be left with 200 mana this is enough for 4 stacks and one firefly another 28 seconds later and he'll have mana only for either another 5 stacks OR a firely. Clarity when below 50 mana. If at some point he does get mana back for a FB combo assuming you're level 2 as well wait til he's in tower range activate the cara and you'll easily live. After surviving the first blood attempt batrider loses all efficacy and you're essentially stuck laning against a ranged creep and it all comes down to how well you can rune ***** and keep his mana low. It's still going to be hard last hitting but since batrider is ranged you should be able to get them first.
xxblackxxrosexx | January 11, 2013 2:55am
Nice guide.. agreed with most of the things you mentioned. +1
Cool Raptor | January 9, 2013 9:13am
Guide is good, but i have one thing to say. You can buy bottle after 4 last hits, only if someone bought a courier before. And let's face it, in ****ty pubs, no one does that.
THE NO LEG STRAT | January 8, 2013 10:07pm
Good pointing out of mid pros/weaknesses, and lmao at batrider rage
Mirror (22) | January 8, 2013 4:02pm
wow, you really do not like bat rider. The problem with bat rider is it does not mater how fed he gets, he falls off by mid game, not a single percent skill.
IJwillis | January 8, 2013 10:06am
Good guide, a couple of pointers and corrections, the fact that you don't upgrade dagon early (unless your swimming in the cash) is quite vital and i think it should be more easily understood through the guide, as it takes to reading up till the rest of the suggested items to realise what this guide is saying in that respect, also another small point is that Tiny (contrary to what you have said) has the lowest (or one of the lowest) base armours in the game.
diremage | January 2, 2013 10:02am
LiLPr0 wrote:

I'm not seeing any changes. You need to publish it to push updates to your readers.

Sorry! This is my first guide I didn't know that! Just published it right now :)
LiLPr0 (9) | January 2, 2013 5:08am
I'm not seeing any changes. You need to publish it to push updates to your readers.
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