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53 Votes

All You Uchiha Fans Out There...

August 13, 2012 by LucariStar
Comments: 21    |    Views: 458248    |   

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amiel_danao | July 24, 2014 7:41am
Azuredawn wrote:

Is it just me or are the pictures in the guide broken? :s

me too!
Anyway thanks for this guide.
Azuredawn | September 24, 2013 10:30pm
Is it just me or are the pictures in the guide broken? :s
DeathScreamish | January 15, 2013 10:32am
Quite a great guide, Helped me a couple of times since i only started using Rubick.
The guide is efficent and true, But also quite funny.
DeathScreamish | January 15, 2013 10:32am
Quite a great guide, Helped me a couple of times since i only started using Rubick.
The guide is efficent and true, But also quite funny.
LucariStar (2) | January 10, 2013 5:44pm
I've been testing out orchid myself. On paper it seems legit. The question is what you are losing for that 4.4k gold spent into orchid. It could mean a quicker hex. I could mean blink+sange. It's really situational. If you're up against am/weaver/morph/you-get-the-point, go orchid. If not, I feel there are better items in almost every case.
Nullfield | January 9, 2013 4:41am
thank you for the guide it has been most helpful.

I especially like the sange idea it has helped immensely and I almost always make a halberd and am starting to question if Rubick should ever bother with a bloodstone.

fav build thus far is bottle, mana boots, euls, halberd and force staff (order situational).

IMO refresher is near impossible to pick up on Rubick as likely if you feel one is useful, you probably needed a linkens or bkb putting strain on a probably dirt broke support so in the end you'll prob just get a blink dagger.

Lastly how well would you think he could handle an orchid
Dethereus | December 28, 2012 9:47am
I love spell steal :3
Shumski | September 19, 2012 7:28pm
I'd suggest a bloodstone as core or luxury (can never go wrong with mana and health regen plus extra health etc.) Since you get perseverance anyway can definetely go for that
IPwndU (1) | August 31, 2012 3:20pm
Refresher Orb may be helpful if you know you can steal a spell like a Black Hole, a Ravage or a Chronosphere (in these cases, you should also buy a Blink Dagger to initiate). But, before, you should build your Force Staff, (Eul's), (Drum), Scythe of Vyse, (Blink Dagger), Linken's if needed, Orchid in some cases...
Well, this item is not a priority ^_^
Admiral Chocobos (1) | August 27, 2012 3:59pm
Anyone think a refresher orb on Rubick would be helpful?
LucariStar (2) | August 10, 2012 2:33pm
what about blood seeker?
NinjaFatcats (1) | August 10, 2012 12:02am
How about blood seeker?
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