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3 Votes

What??? Was that Dazzle?

December 6, 2012 by ThenightCome
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sheshp | December 13, 2012 12:46am
ThenightCome | December 6, 2012 8:59am
See what the shadow blade does is simple. It enables you to be deeper in fights. Since good teams will target you to eliminate the chance of a dps hanging around 5 more secs for a team wipe. I helps you to scout out battles before they occurfinding key members on the other team for your team to eliminate. Obviously these roles can be filed by rikis and bh ect but they are not always in the game. Having your own escape mech. allows you to save the team members that matter.

Guys the mask of maddness isnt to be used so much as a dps item but it can be. On a dazzle you use it to increase your speed so you can turn up anywhere. Your simply useint the lifesteal to aid in supplementing your mana

Concerning the Mechs. I do put mechs on a dazzle in different situations. The problem I have with a pipe is that it doesnt add to your hp. Dazzle is pretty frail and extra regen wont help him hang around the battle field since if you have a mask you can do that just by jungling.

I have recently taken a few test runs of medalion of courage and I do enjoy that item on him but once again its like having the mom and only to be used in chases.

LOL and that shallow grave on a creep is a typo ill fix it ty.
Mrs Warboys (10) | December 2, 2012 8:57am
Interesting stuff... although it doesn't really all add up IMO. I understand a suicidal Dazzle.. you're the only unkillable Hero in the game (with Grave of course) so going MoM is an interesting idea.

But Shadow Blade?


You don't have any natural steroid skills so what's the Shadow Blade really going to do for you? Kunkka uses Shadow Blade for massive invisible critz, Drow and Sniper use it to give themselves a much needed escape mechanism (and even that's only in pub games). What do you use it for? An escape after Grave is running out? A little more explanation about Shadow Blade please.

If you REALLY wanna go for some insane Suicidal Gangster Dazzle then what about Mask of Madness, Armlet and Medallion of Courage? 3 items that give you huge physical damage and 3 items that can have their downside reduced because of your unkillable nature.
daPhongster (8) | November 20, 2012 12:05am
Instead of Lifesteal, which heals you based on your nonexistent physical damage, get flat regen, like Ring of Health or Perserverance

The main problem I have with this guide is MoM. Otherwise, it's a good guide. I like how you said to shadow grave a creep when they go to last hit.
Vash (10) | November 16, 2012 4:39pm
I like this build! It's rather unorthodox, but that MoM soul ring combo is good stuff. On the whole, your logic is solid and the technique would definitely be surprising to your opponent.

However, I would differ on you at the Skadi and rather opt for a support item like a mek or pipe. I know this guide is more of a ganking build but by the time late game rolls around the carries should be able handle the grunt work. Your teammates, on the other hand will need you to excel at your role as a support. Either that, or you'll need a second semi-support more dedicated to his role.

I do enjoy the fresh approach to dazzle though. This guide definitely deserves it's place in the meta.

Hoiguyyami | November 16, 2012 6:28am
This is a Ganker/support Dazzle build, so granted some of the items and the playstyle will be different. This is fine, since Poison touch is good at initiating small ganks and with his healing, Grave and ultimate it's very difficult for the enemy to turn the gank around. However, I think you could have some better choices. Getting mask of Madness is extremely odd. If you just want the lifesteal, a Helm of the Dominator might be a better choice. You would probably benefit from being able to chain a neutral centaur stun with your Poison Touch more than the extra attack/movement speed, however since your Shadow Wave always heals you I don't really think it's needed. Since this is a ganker build, if no one else has it, I think an Urn of Shadows would do well. It lets you heal up after ganks, do extra damage during ganks, and has good synergy with Shallow Grave. An Urn charge and a Shadow Wave will often put a Graved ally who would otherwise have to go back to base back on the front lines.

As a response to what you posted, any dazzle build can do that. A Dazzle with Mekansm can do it and once the grave wears off have an ally on 390 hp, as opposed to 140, not the mention the bonus for the rest of the team. However, this is a Ganker build. I would not play this build unless there is another dedicated support on my team, and I would probably still get Mek if I don't expect them to. Still, this guide covers something that Dazzle is pretty decent at, but I think you're going too deep into the ganker role and ignoring the support role, which he is much better at.
ThenightCome | November 15, 2012 11:21pm
I know that the mek greatly aides pushing the lane and it does offer small heals to your team as well as an armor bonus. And if you are saving an ally and forcestaffing them out a mek ensures they stay alive... But the thing is this, your focused heros of shallow graves dont need to be running. You need them to stay and kill everything, saving many hard carries from insured death can give them enough time to pull out of a stun and turn the tide. Think about a magnus say he pops his mom but they stun and start raping him before his ult goes off, giving him an extra second could destroy their entire team. I never said this build wasnt controversial and it is in no way easy to play not to mention the first time you try it you will prolly **** a brick. For me to get used to playing this style took a lot of trial and error. Multiple build attempts and failures but in the end in games there is a gap this build can fill and though being in harms way you are prone to deaths but if you some how use all you tricks and minimize your deaths I promise you people will run.
mitchapalooza (2) | November 15, 2012 6:54pm

this build can single handily change the meta
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 15, 2012 4:38pm
Nicely written, good job
Anyway, I still quick-scanned it, and I think you have written it nicely and supplied decent enough information. However, try to improve your presentation. This will help you on your way.
I would argue that Tango and Healing Salve are unnecessary. Like for instance if you get ganked, you would juke your way through the trees with your Tangos, or run and use healing salve. You just need them to start off.
Why would you get MoM and SBlade??? No matter what you do, dazzle could never play as a carry. Build a Mek instead and get support items?

Sorry, I just don't like the build, -1 :(
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