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66 Votes

Skeleton King: Not For The Fleshy

May 20, 2012 by Wolfe Jameson
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jimdrinkswater | May 24, 2016 5:52am
First, i wanna introduce myself as a rookie in Dota, expecially Dota 2,
Second, i have a big interest to develop my skill as a carry type hero player especially 'Wraith King' and been read this guide and i've trying to explore so many items combined based on this guide, thanks a lot for this guide.

Well, so far this guide is already handle the general potential of this hero but, i have a question.
I have a problem when i was ganked with 3 heroes or more, was messing around with enemies towers and they just arrived after that and ganked me, the question is.. Did i make a good desicion when i bought 'Phase Boots' and using it when i got ganked by 3 or more heroes to runaway, or there's another way to challenge them before i have my 'Sange & Yasha' (Sometimes i need it to raise my attack speed & damage, correct me with another item to raise my Critical and Attack speed with one item) also before my 'Heart of Tarrasque' / 'Refresher Orb', or should i rely on 'Armlet of Mordiggian' + my Vampiric Aura & Mortal Strike to keep my blood filled when im hitting 'em?
Thanks before to read & help me through this comment, once again i'm rookie so i really appreciate every guide, Cheers!
masaaki14 (11) | May 24, 2016 4:34pm
You should take a look at one of the newer guides for Wraith King, I don't think the authot of this outdated guide, made 4 years ago, is still around.
WeZin | June 15, 2014 4:10am
I prefer Skadi on skeleton king :D
Its awesome
As soon as i buy threads i rush skadi
Adman72 | June 8, 2014 3:49am
I'm a mega noob here; I can't speak on the technicalities of the build but it has made a big improvement on what I first put together (apparently I'm not the first noob to think they could out-think experienced players and find out how wrong they are.....).
Thanks for the guide WJ, +1 from me
Razorlight | May 6, 2013 7:32am
Force staff?? i prefer shadow blade(my opinion only)
because shadow blade add 30% AS to enhance the critical and to get out after u have used
your reincarnation
wilddeonpwn (102) | March 4, 2013 12:37am
@ductien At least give him some form of constructive criticism instead of just saying 'BAD GUIDE U 2 DUMB.'

It's like feeding a horse a potato without giving him a potato
ductien | March 4, 2013 12:30am
LOL, bad guids.
crubick | February 11, 2013 6:08am
I wouldnt give multiple points on hellfire blast early on (maxium two), as you said: it's for the stun, and it gives a constant 2 sec stun. I'd give point for crit or stats. The vampiric aura delay is great.

Also, I'd add Heart as a luxury item. Since SK is a tank, and it gives dmg, it should be listed. Heaven's Halberd is also a good core item: the evasion gives even more tankiness, and the plus dmg, slow is never bad. For more tankiness Cuirass is a great item, and since your main dmg is from autoattack, the minus armor is great + the more dmg speed is good for the lifesteal.

Ultra late game a rapier might be also optional.

Refresher orb is a great item, but it needs mana, which is not a great strenght of SK, the money should go to a Tarrasque - i see more advantage in a Hearth than in the Orb. Or you can solo Roshan and you'll have an extra life.

Mediocre guide.
Nullfield | January 11, 2013 4:47pm
Force staff inst just for stats its for chase and escape example hitting someone with hellfire blast that is just a little far to run to or to jump a cliff to gank or escape.

I've been playing sk for a while now and found 2 things about him. first thing is minus armour will get you loads of health via crit and vampire aura making a satanic seem a waste when you could get all the minus armour. 2nd is about assault cuirass most of the time get it but if say there is a brood mother or someone that can use it more go for a heart and desolator

as for SnY its 4.1k so after an armlet you want a bkb, ac/desolater i cant help but feel that the money could be better spent or the game has ended

also a battle fury... on an sk it just dose not feel right IMO an armlet can help you farm and a battle fury rarely helps in a team fight compared to focusing on one hero and killing him

In summary when it comes to health steal don't forget that you want the enemy dead and not just be slowly gaining health over time and that skeleton has some flexiblity so in the end do what ever wins for you

Fav build Treds, armlet, bkb and or force staff, desolator and or AC and a heart or MKB (depending on evasion heroes)
NicknameMy (2) | December 11, 2012 10:18am
Why not get Sange and Yasha? I would say, skeleton king profits most from movement speed to close gaps, attack speed to proc critical strice and a slow to keep on onto the enemies. Sange and Yasha offers all of that. I would get it instead of Force Staff and for Force Staff aquilla's ring for earlygame. This way, all problems are fixed.
HazimRS | December 6, 2012 6:01am
Make sure to blame your teammates in the future. <
I do that all the time, jk.
nice guide +1
ConfusedCactus | November 29, 2012 7:46pm
Where's the rapier?
You need a rapier if you want to ball out of control.
Nyne | November 10, 2012 7:34am
So this is the reason my friend always says "YOU GET NOTHING" when he reincarnates.
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