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55 Votes

Wisp, the Ultimate Support

February 12, 2013 by Ragnar
Comments: 37    |    Views: 245477    |   

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KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 23, 2015 12:12pm
this guide has not been updated in a long long time my friend :c

edit: also, the creator has not been online for 2 years, so i don't think it is ever going to be :/
Kornel | March 23, 2015 12:10pm
Now tether can't stun :(
Blubbles (13) | June 26, 2014 10:41am
Very informative, also I would recommend a guide to level one Roshan, which is getting a alot of salves, getting an Ursa with Overpower, and tethering and healing him while he takes rosh.
reizocain | December 13, 2013 10:52am
Is there any possible way (and is it allowed) to take the column based skill list you have? I have my own notes, but to build up the same skill table again is something that I would rather avoid, if it's possible.
Slim Nezo | August 7, 2013 5:52pm
The moment when someone makes a Carry wisp Build that Acctually works I will buy them a COOKIE :)

Beside that good guide. +1
Crazy Tom (3) | May 6, 2013 11:52am
Its funny, I was once in a game as wisp with some noobs, and both drow and sniper on our team rushed Divine Rapier. They were both promptly ambushed, and since I was the only one even paying attention to the map, I had to do something. I Relocated in, tethered Drow, grabbed the rapier as Sniper died, turned on Overcharge, and we killed the enemy team. Drow didn't make it out because of a Poison Nova dropped before my arrival, and I hadn't gotten enough farm to have a mek to pop, so I grabbed her rapier as well. It was weird times after that, since I couldn't give the rapiers back without dying (and I didn't really trust them with the rapiers anyway), so I had to carry the game. We did win, but it was a fountain race. :/

Anyway, love the guide. +1
DzikaPanda (16) | April 16, 2013 9:17am
"I used to rush deso, but then a friend told me that wisp is already an orb" Made me laugh so hard :D
Eldron (1) | April 16, 2013 8:41am
ChipMonk14 wrote:

Your wisp guide is ok but I have the BEST WISP BUILD. Don't level tether. It is dumb and also stupid, and it helps your allies rather than you. Max spirits for early NUKING POWER and overcharge for MAXIMUM DPS. Rush Divine and medallion of courage. I used to rush deso, but then a friend told me that wisp is already an orb, and therefore orb abilities do not work with wisp. Use your ulti whenever possible for pro WISP GANKZ or for when you are ready to SOLO ROSHAN. (just make sure you kill roshan and grab aegis before your ulti is over) This is the best build for wisp. I used it and it worked one time so I KNOW that it is the best. Gl and hf fellow wisp players.

^ pro league player right here.
SteventheSlayer | April 10, 2013 2:35pm
Ragnar wrote:

Hey Steven, you're absolutely right, it does seem a little strange to value that aspect so highly. Here's what really gives Soul Ring that extra edge over Overcharge though:
  1. It's instant. This is a bigger deal once you have a Mekansm, because it means you can instantly lower yourself enough to give someone an additional 225 health if yours is full.
  2. Soul Ring gives you mana, Overcharge takes it away. Remember that Overcharge drains not only 3.5% health per second, but also 3.5% mana. If you have this on enough to lower your health as much as soul ring, you're likely draining a huge amount of your mana as well. As you said, Wisp has mana issues early on, so having to do this just to heal someone would not be ideal
  3. It also increases your passive HP/MP regen. Any bit of this that wisp can get is useful, because it means that even if your Soul Ring and Mekansm are on cooldown you'll transfer a decent amount of HP/MP just by tethering someone
  4. Finally, being able to cast Spirits for free every 25 seconds is fantastic, as is being able to give 225 mana to whoever your tethered to.

I hope that helped! Let me know if you want me to explain any other decisions.

Hello again, sorry for the late response.

Ah, that is exactly the type of explanation I was hoping for: informed and to the point. I have added Soul Ring to my personal build for Wisp, and shall enjoy trying it out next time I play him.

Thanks, and have fun gaming,
[-] | March 25, 2013 8:48am
ChipMonk14 wrote:

I appreciate your advice, but I assure you that this build is the GREATEST EVER. After fine-tuning some of the details I was able to beat UNFAIR BOTS (that is the HIGHEST LEVEL OF BOTS) However, I do have a FEW NOTES to my original post. FIRST, it is important as wisp that you SOLO MID. Mid is basically where 90% of the game is decided, and it is very important that WISP IS THE DECIDER. At some point, your teammates may ask you to buy wards; whatever you do, DON'T BUY WARDS. Wards are a consumable item that provide vision for you and your teammates, but if your team has a wisp these are TOTALLY USELESS. Your ulti is a free trip to ANYWHERE ON THE MAP. If you or your teammates want to know what is going on somewhere, you can just RELOCATE there and CHECK IT OUT. Follow these PRO TIPS and I promise you will RACK UP THE LADIES.

I'm +1 this guide just so that people will read these comments. ChipMonk you can f**king count me 'racked up'.
Slithereen | March 6, 2013 9:14pm
ChipMonk14 wrote:

Your wisp guide is ok but I have the BEST WISP BUILD. Don't level tether. It is dumb and also stupid, and it helps your allies rather than you. Max spirits for early NUKING POWER and overcharge for MAXIMUM DPS. Rush Divine and medallion of courage. I used to rush deso, but then a friend told me that wisp is already an orb, and therefore orb abilities do not work with wisp. Use your ulti whenever possible for pro WISP GANKZ or for when you are ready to SOLO ROSHAN. (just make sure you kill roshan and grab aegis before your ulti is over) This is the best build for wisp. I used it and it worked one time so I KNOW that it is the best. Gl and hf fellow wisp players.

Raijen | February 27, 2013 8:05am
I have to say, I don't like the boot choice, I think playing Wisp you should be getting charges on Urn, I personally have never had an issue getting a early urn and charges on it, then you can just build mana boots. And also running a combo like Wisp/Sven or Wisp/CK being able to give them mana all game is really important. I feel like it is much better then a bit of extra regen early for your lane. - I also get 1 early point in Over charge, the attack speed is great if you're trying to kill a target before they run away on a combo I mentioned above. or if you're ult ganking.
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