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11 Votes

I don't give a Puck, The Flying Ball of Doom. [DPS]

November 23, 2011 by Geur
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Scarletterose60 | February 19, 2013 12:59pm
You will notice that a level four phase shift lasts 3.25 seconds, while the damage cooldown of Blink Dagger is 3 seconds, so after you Illusionary Orb, Waning Rift and/or Dream Coil initiation, you can phase out and blink away from the action when your allies should be destroying them... And Blink Dagger is CORE on puck, it gives you a VERY reliable escape on top of your Q + D combo, also building a Heart is questionable since a Bloodstone provides SO much more to Puck than a Heart, it gives you mana Regen, health regen, good hit points, and Bloodpact, which further increases your mana regen and lets you come back to the game faster since Puck is such a great teamfight hero. Orchid is questionable since he already has a silence, a FAR better item would be Scythe for the fact that it gives good stats, mana regen, and the BEST disable available for an item. A Eul's would be good too if your farm is bad for the escape/disable and a healthy boast to move speed and mana regen (see a theme yet?) however I do agree with getting power treads and bottle for core and Linken's for POSSIBLE late game, which is situational, ex. Doom Bringer, enough said. A Shiva's can add durability to complete your initiation and add more power as well (200 damage nuke + a good slow). So overall this is an OKAY build, but dps is not where Puck is strong, it is burst damage, initiation and chasing.
xxblackxxrosexx | July 10, 2012 2:05am
I really thought Blink Dagger was core. Are you sure you can survive very well without it..?
eftmike817 (1) | February 23, 2012 12:44am
@Dirtysince90: What you said doesn't make sense. you said "if you ILLUSION ORB IN THEN YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING TO GET OUT WITH......I LIKE TO ILLUSION ORB IN..etc etc". You need to blink in because if you manage to get hit after initiating you have to cool down the dagger (if you orb into the fight and planned on using dagger to get out). If you blink in then you can phase and orb out while their silenced and coiled. much more reliable imo.
DirtySince90 | December 11, 2011 12:09pm
HamSandwich wrote:

A puck without a blink dagger is pretty silly. Basically a blink dagger gives you a free escape or imitation, or both. Without a blink, you become useless in the mid/late game.

If you use illusion orb to get in, then you don't have anything to get out with. puck can't just stay in the middle of the fight. i like to illusion orb in, then w, then ulti, phase, then blink dagger out.
kumquat (15) | December 3, 2011 3:52pm
I disagree with your leveling order. I prefer something like this

Level 1: Illusion Orb
Level 2: Waning Rift
Level 3: waning Rift
Level 4: Phase Shift
Level 5: Waning Rift
Level 6: Ult
Level 7: Waning Rift
Illusion ward -> Phase Shift

Maxing out waning rift early on is much more effective than Illusion orb, as the added silence time is much more useful than the mediocre amounts of damage that orb gives.
Geur | November 25, 2011 10:47pm
HamSandwich wrote:

A puck without a blink dagger is pretty silly. Basically a blink dagger gives you a free escape or imitation, or both. Without a blink, you become useless in the mid/late game.

I really think blink dagger is optional. If you somehow dont know how to use your alredy built in escape then blink dagger is good but Id rather spend the extra money on damage. I've played with and without it and in the end I do way better, even late game, and carry with puck without a blink dagger.
HamSandwich (34) | November 25, 2011 4:20pm
A puck without a blink dagger is pretty silly. Basically a blink dagger gives you a free escape or imitation, or both. Without a blink, you become useless in the mid/late game.
PotM_Plz (19) | November 23, 2011 11:46pm
o sweet. thanks :D
Geur | November 23, 2011 10:23pm
k0uta wrote:

I guess he just right clicked the item/skill image (when he was mounting the guide) and then copied the img link (which points to dotafire images, i guess)

Did this exactly. Just rick click the pictures on your build and copy image location, then insert them into the guide with the picture button.
k0uta (1) | November 23, 2011 5:51pm
PotM_Plz wrote:

HEY can I ask you how u got the pictures of the items and stuff?

I guess he just right clicked the item/skill image (when he was mounting the guide) and then copied the img link (which points to dotafire images, i guess)
PotM_Plz (19) | November 23, 2011 3:13pm
HEY can I ask you how u got the pictures of the items and stuff?
Geur | November 23, 2011 2:28pm
Omg... I totally meant to add a bottle....
I knew I felt like I was missing something.
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