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Next, i would build Veil of Discord on Zeus any time your team has another high magic damage hero. Zeus is still a semi-support, really, because he isn't very item dependent and can get plenty of gold from ganks. I tend to get Veil to help our team's magic damage along, plus do most of the mid-game warding since i'm roaming anyway.
Lastly also would just start with 3x Ironwood Branch and maybe Tangos, that lets you get bottle at about 1:30 into the game. In a pub match you might need to buy the wards yourself, which makes it more important to skip the Salve and just save the money for Bottle.
Otherwise, A+++ very good guide. Zeus is easily one of my favorite heroes.
worked for me but i didnt use bottle, stats at end 18/2/5
Whatever works for you, I just play this because it suits my playstyle- there is no 'correct' build- only ones you can play well & ones you can't
You should get
Yeah, that's what most people do, but it's only like 30 secs difference between those two levels & I made this guide to show how I play - not others.
I Like, simple and decent, but for some reason it won't let me or anyone vote. +1 in text anyway.
Thank you, it's my first guide & I've only played like 9 games of Zeus.