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Also, there is no reason that you should just farm for 25 minutes without ganking. If your team can hold up and not die a lot, than yes, you should farm. If not, no, you should go gank and push a lane you just ganked, making enemy team either waste gold and time on TP's or take the tower down. It does not matter to you, you still get gold, and can easily grab either a jungle creep or lane creep with Midas.
It is an asian build, all through i am not asian myself.
Mid heroes that are put there to farm, don't control runes, don't gank - and ultimately, don't help the team.
ironically, if you want to farm (solo) then get your solo safe lane (bot radient) top dire.. and have 2 mid heroes.. much more farm, less chance of gank - and the chances are you against a suicide laner and can out farm them in fear of getting ganked..
but meh, this is a pub build - if you can pull it off without your team getting ganked to death while you farm for 25 minutes.. good for you..
Updated Introduction with few match ID's, for people to see.
Edit: Just checked out via watch>recent games>filter. I play in normal and high level games. No very high for me tho :(
If not, simple answer is yes - no boots. More complex answer: Cause you do not need them, you are there to farm, farm and farm some more, if you do find yourself in position to chase, simply turn in other direction and go back to farming, till later on.
Midas is core for a simple fact that it gives you 2,5x XP and static 190 gold. Meaning you will be ahead of everyone in both experience and gold, as long as you take part in team fights - which you should. Carry a TP! Next to that, simple math, Midas costing 1900, means it pays for itself after roughly 15 minutes since you picked it up - no other item in the game allows you that. And it gives you more exp and attack speed to boot.