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riki kill machine

October 1, 2012 by mortredryu
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SuperNova (16) | October 2, 2012 9:06am
BubbaRay wrote:

This is really not a good build for Riki. First of all, backstab is a terrible skill to take at lvl. 1, an argument can be made for blink strike but smoke screen will serve you better 99% of the time. Also you should really max out smoke screen before stats, if only for the fact that the radius grows with levels, as well as the miss chance. It's all right to start with 2 slippers of agility, but I highly recommend building them into a fast poor man's shield, you should never plan on building a wraith band, its just not cost efficient. Its "OK" sometimes if you are having an absolutely terrible game and you aren't going to be able to afford anything else for a long time, but really its a pretty **** item. Also, if you're rushing vlads as a core item(which I'm not a big fan of either btw) please don't get a ring of aquila, they don't stack, it says so right in the tool tip ffs. The only reason I can see you thinking you need it is for the mana regen, which you really shouldn't need unless you're spamming blink for last hits(don't do that btw). Believe me when I say that diffusal blade is not a luxury and should be the first major pick up in your core item set, as stated previously your argument of being too slow is invalid because 1.) you have blink strike, and 2.) diffusal has an ACTIVE SLOW, meaning your target can not and will not get away from you unless you massively **** the bed. As for your reasoning of radiance, I'll tell you why not: because if your opponent is anywhere close to intelligent he will notice the radiance burn immediately and drop a smoke or sentry, so essentially you're for-fitting the element of surprise, Riki's one true advantage. While battle fury is as good item, its not really my style on Riki, reason being if you're going to get it at all it should be your first major pick up to accelerate your farming, thereby delaying your diffusal blade and your agility gain, and we can't have that. Lastly I can only assume that English is your second language, because over all this guide is rather poorly worded, and please don't take that as a direct insult, it's just that grammatical errors on this scale bug the **** out of me.

Bad riki guides are popping up quite bit lately, riki isnt even that good i mean, he kills guys and thats it. i played shadow shaman against a fed riki and soloed their bottom lane wiht no help and won the game.
BubbaRay | October 1, 2012 10:01pm
This is really not a good build for Riki. First of all, backstab is a terrible skill to take at lvl. 1, an argument can be made for blink strike but smoke screen will serve you better 99% of the time. Also you should really max out smoke screen before stats, if only for the fact that the radius grows with levels, as well as the miss chance. It's all right to start with 2 slippers of agility, but I highly recommend building them into a fast poor man's shield, you should never plan on building a wraith band, its just not cost efficient. Its "OK" sometimes if you are having an absolutely terrible game and you aren't going to be able to afford anything else for a long time, but really its a pretty **** item. Also, if you're rushing vlads as a core item(which I'm not a big fan of either btw) please don't get a ring of aquila, they don't stack, it says so right in the tool tip ffs. The only reason I can see you thinking you need it is for the mana regen, which you really shouldn't need unless you're spamming blink for last hits(don't do that btw). Believe me when I say that diffusal blade is not a luxury and should be the first major pick up in your core item set, as stated previously your argument of being too slow is invalid because 1.) you have blink strike, and 2.) diffusal has an ACTIVE SLOW, meaning your target can not and will not get away from you unless you massively **** the bed. As for your reasoning of radiance, I'll tell you why not: because if your opponent is anywhere close to intelligent he will notice the radiance burn immediately and drop a smoke or sentry, so essentially you're for-fitting the element of surprise, Riki's one true advantage. While battle fury is as good item, its not really my style on Riki, reason being if you're going to get it at all it should be your first major pick up to accelerate your farming, thereby delaying your diffusal blade and your agility gain, and we can't have that. Lastly I can only assume that English is your second language, because over all this guide is rather poorly worded, and please don't take that as a direct insult, it's just that grammatical errors on this scale bug the **** out of me.
Wulfstan (77) | October 1, 2012 4:46am
Why is diffusal luxury and not core?You arguement with being slow is invalid,you have blink for moving arround.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | September 30, 2012 9:13pm
Why don't you get a manta style like purge hue hue hue.

Just kidding, good job on the guide!
boomshakalaka | September 30, 2012 3:53pm
Late* Game
is what you meant correct?
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