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7 Votes

Quick and Dirty Guide to Disruptor

July 6, 2012 by Butters#252015
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wilddeonpwn (102) | October 27, 2012 2:25pm
Sp12 wrote:

I still don't get why you wouldn't max glimpe first. Basically every time it's off cooldown you can get a kill for your team.

One level shall suffice. Thunder strike is der better
Sp12 (25) | October 27, 2012 11:59am
I still don't get why you wouldn't max glimpe first. Basically every time it's off cooldown you can get a kill for your team.
Kakkoii | October 21, 2012 12:18am
Palma wrote:

Hey nice guide for Disruptor. One quick question, if an enemy Furion teleports near you and you do a glimpse spell right away on him, will he return to place where he was before teleport? Same goes with TP scroll?

Always! Glimpse sends a character back to where they were 4 seconds ago, doesn't matter how they got to their position. So you can do it to people who TP in to defend their towers even. Or TP a Spirit Breaker back across the map after he just tried charging you haha.
Palma | September 8, 2012 11:15am
Hey nice guide for Disruptor. One quick question, if an enemy Furion teleports near you and you do a glimpse spell right away on him, will he return to place where he was before teleport? Same goes with TP scroll?
Xenasis (11) | July 7, 2012 8:11am
Wulfstan wrote:

Why get Medalion of Courage on a guy that deals Magical Damage?

Since he's a support, you can use it on someone and your physical carries or other heroes can deal more damage. You're also ranged, too, so the armour reduction isn't as damaging on you as it may be on an Anti-Mage or something, not to mention the fact that it would decrease the gold they had available for other items.
Wulfstan (77) | July 7, 2012 5:12am
Why get Medalion of Courage on a guy that deals Magical Damage?
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