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Stringmaster by FangzofFuzzy

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By: FangzofFuzzy
Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024
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The Puppeteer

Yet another crime in another city. It's always a sanctuary of performance, whether it be the opulent seeking to pass the time or those seeking entertainment to put joy in their lives. Regardless of the case, the result is the usually the same. The seats are full of bodies, and bodies are empty of life. The walls and floors decorated red. This has happened countless times now, yet the culprit has always stayed one step ahead of the law. What little evidence there is could hardly shed a light. The primary method of killing is blades, but they are standard design so tracking any special derivatives is difficult. The wounds are surgical and precise with no room for sloppiness. The other weapon is string, far less innocuous yet far more gruesome. The lucky investigators are those who have to deal with the hole-riddled corpses. Those less fortunate must witness a scene that has scarred far too many. Limp bodies taut by strings captured their final moments. As if driven by madness, some corpses looked like they were strangling each other or murdering with the aforementioned blades. The main reason complicity can be discounted is the horrified expressions on their faces, begging to be free. And after all this, the only MO is the name: "Stringmaster". To prevent further cases, officials are warning against going to theatres, especially for puppet performances. Yet they cannot fully suppress the innate desire to be entertained. Even if there is an element of danger, the show must go on.


Stringmaster is an unorthodox attack carry who attacks not from his position, but instead from his summon: Puppet. It cannot move on its own, but he can make it Dance and it can Sway to leave his side and prepare itself at a new location. He relies on good coordination and positioning with Puppet to Tangle those caught between them and strike with Hidden Blades from different angles. With a flourish of masterful Stringwork, enemies will be cut in a flurry by Puppet's Sharp Edge. All stand in awe of their deadly performance, lest he Subjugate you into joining his collection.

He is intended for the A Pet Indeed contest. Puppet technically cannot be directly controlled through separate selections, and relies on his spells and attack order to do anything.


Role: Carry, Disabler
Strength: 18 + 1.8
Agility: 24 + 3.2
Intelligence: 21 + 2.4
Base Damage: 21 - 28
Base Armor: 0
Attack Range: 0 (Melee)
Movement Speed: 300

Primary Abilities



Stringmaster always has his Puppet with him. His attacks originate from Puppet's location, treating him as the source. It follows his movements unless brought out by Dance. It has its own spells that improve with his spell levels. It cannot be controlled, is always rooted, invulnerable, and can only be targeted by attacks from enemy heroes. It will teleport back to him if it is attacked by enemy heroes enough times or they are too far apart from each other.

Attack Range: 200
Vision Range: 200
Hero Attacks to Return: 2/3/3/4
Leash Distance: 500/600/700/800


Developer Notes
Stringmaster - Dance
Command Puppet to dash to a location near him or itself, reducing armor of enemies in its path. It then remains stationary there.

Aghanim's Shard: Can store 2 charges with 0.5 second cooldown between uses. Increase debuff duration by 3 seconds.

Ability: Target Point
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 4
Stringmaster Range: 500
Self Range: 300
Radius: 200
Armor Reduction: 1.5/2/2.5/3
Debuff Duration: 6


Developer Notes
Puppet - Sway
When Puppet attacks an enemy, reduce the cooldown of Dance. If it is not on cooldown, reduce the mana cost of the next Dance cast.

Ability: Passive
Cooldown Reduction: 0.8/1.2/1.6/2
Mana Cost Reduction: 4/6/8/10


Developer Notes
Stringmaster - Stringwork
Puppet starts attacking enemies near it with bonus attack speed. During this time, he cannot attack but can perform other actions without interrupting it.

Ability: No Target
Mana Cost: 45/50/55/60
Cooldown: 12
Attack Speed: 40/60/80/100
Duration: 3


Developer Notes
Puppet - Tangle
Enemies who remain in between him and Puppet are caught in the strings, slowing movement speed and attack speed.

Ability: Passive
String Radius: 200
Move Speed Slow: 8/12/16/20%
Attack Speed Slow: 8/12/16/20


Developer Notes
Stringmaster - Hidden Blades
Fire a dagger from him and Puppet in the target direction. Both daggers damage enemies hit and apply the bleed from Sharp Edge to the first enemy hit.

Ability: Target Point
Mana Cost: 80/90/100/110
Cooldown: 12
Cast Range: Global
Travel Range: 800
Radius: 150
Damage Type: Physical
Damage per Dagger: 40/70/100/130


Developer Notes
Puppet - Sharp Edge
Attacks mark enemies. Attacking them again consumes the mark to apply a bleed that damages it over time. While bleeding, attacks will only refresh the duration. If Puppet returns to Stringmaster, remove all existing marks, but not bleeds.

Ability: Passive
Damage Type: Physical
Mark Duration: 5
Base Damage per Second: 8/12/16/20
Total Attack Damage as Damage per Second: 15/20/25/30%
Bleed Duration: 5


Developer Notes
Teleport Puppet back to Stringmaster. It follows his movement once again.

Ability: No Target
Cooldown: 2


Developer Notes

Ultimate Abilities

Stringmaster - Subjugate
Attach strings to an enemy hero to take over it. During this time, it cannot control itself and he can make it attack its own allies with increased attack speed. If the target is melee, it also gains attack range. It is rooted, silenced, muted, and takes less damage from all sources.

Aghanim's Scepter: The enemy will not take less damage, cannot be targeted by its allies, and receives 50% reduced healing.

Ability: Target Unit
Mana Cost: 200
Cooldown: 120/110/100
Range: 600
Duration: 3/3.5/4
Attack Speed: 50
Attack Range: 50
Damage Reduction: 50%


Developer Notes

Other Abilities

Pull the Strings
Casting Stringwork roots enemies affected by Tangle.

Root: 0.7/0.8/0.9/1


Developer Notes
Set the Stage
After Puppet has been away from Stringmaster for 2 seconds, he deals amplified physical damage. This lasts until it returns to him.

Physical Damage Amplification: 20%


Developer Notes

Hero Talents

+75 Stringwork Attack Speed
+33% Subjugate Range/Speed

-6s Hidden Blades Cooldown
+1 Puppet Hero Attacks to Return

+1 Dance Armor Reduction
+100 Dance Range

-2s Stringwork Cooldown
+0.5s Subjugate Duration


  • High effective attack range
  • Can use melee modifiers at range like Skull Basher and Battle Fury
  • Damage over time that scales with total attack damage
  • Remove and get another carry
  • Puppet can be attacked and returned early
  • No mobility
  • No sustain
  • No defensive passives or buffs
  • Little reliable crowd control

He is strongest against melee enemies since his debuffs, Dance and Tangle, are easier to maintain on them. His high effective attack range does let him reach far back ranged heroes, but he must be careful not to step too far since it will teleport Puppet back to him. Subjugate is also easier to hit the closer they are if they have any disjoints. Melee heroes do have less attack range, even with the minor bonus, so there is that to consider.



Remember that their spells level up together. Dance/Sway, Stringwork/Tangle, Hidden Blades/Sharp Edge, and even Subjugation/Puppeteer. Skill priority is mostly going to be E first for flat damage and clear. Then, either Q for positioning cooldown or W for crowd control and attack speed. Subjugate should be leveled up every time since it also improves his innate.


Since Puppet is considered melee, it can trigger modifiers:
Battle Fury for easier farming and creating unique cleave directions
Skull Basher has higher stun chance than regular ranged heroes

Due to the safety of his effective attack range, he can consider the following items:
Mask of Madness gives much needed lifesteal
Divine Rapier scales the bleed

Standard carry items:
Desolator for more armor reduction
Daedalus may not scale the bleed, but Stringwork attack speed can make it trigger more often


The left side of his talents is focused on damage while the right side is focused on making life easier for the player. At level 10, Stringwork cooldown is straightforward but works well with the Pull the Strings facet. At level 15, you choose between more armor reduction that can stack, or extra dash range. At level 20, you can start spamming Hidden Blades for more consistent damage but the extra health on Puppet means you can focus on using its mobility spells aggressively instead of using them just to deploy it again. Level 25 is the choice between raw damage that can help take down buildings and better teamfighting ultimate.


Your choice of facets can boil down to playstyle, or how much disables your team has. Not enough? Pull the Strings has you covered, but the technically shorter range means it's better for peeling. Just remember that there is a 0.5 second grace period before it teleports back if you leave the leash distance. If your team has enough disables to help you, Set the Stage is the riskier option with higher payoff.

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Sadcoreguy | August 20, 2024 10:07pm
Really interesting hero, it'd change a lot of Dota mechanics. I have a question, how do you upload images in the hero concept? I have one but I can't upload any image.
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