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22 Votes

"Our Blades Are Sharp" ~ Bloodseeker Guide (6.84) ~ UPDATED

March 17, 2016 by Bunny of Doom69
Comments: 43    |    Views: 245921    |   

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Lazarus88 | May 1, 2022 5:45am
So many useful items I just run out of slots lol
Sp3ctr3 (4) | December 8, 2015 10:49am
Hi! Nice guide. I just want to know some things:
- How do you feel about Sange and Yasha in Bloodseeker, it's an item that I make in every game I play with Bloodseeker.
- What do you think about replace Heart of Tarrasque with an Eye of Skadi?
Bunny of Doom69 | November 27, 2015 7:59am
kianmir wrote:

hello, i played a BS match and i was the the second best player in the game, i am quite surprised that there is no moonshard on the items on any build. we won the game SO closely because of a CRAZY silencer who would 4-5 hit every one. BUT i DOMINATED him with a mask of madness, moonshard and a crystalys and FINALLY i stunned him long enough with skull basher so i could kill him, sometimes i would add blood rage inside my combo, so i think adding a moonshard would be nice, also, i almost always go for this skill build: Q-W-Q-W-E-R just in case you wanted to know

Hey! Thanks for the feedback.

1) I definitely need to update my guide for the new patch, but I've been away from a gaming PC for about 2 months. Once I get back into DOTA 2, I'll make some much-needed changes!

2) I actually do include a Moon Shard in my guide. Check the "Build 2" tab. It's under the "More Options" section in the Rat Push build. However, I probably haven't given it the attention it deserves, partly because I don't use it very often. If I need to demolish towers, then I'd stack a Moon Shard with a Deso, but outside of that, I'm just not sure it's something I want to invest in on a regular basis. But I'll try to experiment with it a bit more.

3) Using a Mask of Madness with BS isn't something I'd ever recommend. Bloodrage makes BS very squishy, and to combine that with a MoM just seems crazy. Attack speed is great, but if you're being targeted down and killed, it doesn't matter. Did the opposing team have any stuns at all?

4) I will almost always prefer to level Thirst as quickly as possible. It's a huge part of what makes BS so dominate in the early laning phase. Blood Rite is a good "sheep herding" tool if you want to force the enemy team towards your tower by laying down the spell slightly behind them. They wind up with a choice: become silenced and take damage or overextend yourself under the enemy tower. But you only need a single level to pull that off. So, yeah, I prefer Thirst. But just about any skill combo can work if you know what you're doing.
kianmir | November 19, 2015 2:56am
also, i think facelessvoid would be a good friend too because his ult plus your W would be devastatig, fleeing enemies are picked of with thirst and rupture
kianmir | November 19, 2015 2:56am
also, i think[facelessvoid] would be a good friend too because his ult plus your W would be devastatig, fleeing enemies are picked of with thirst and rupture
kianmir | November 19, 2015 2:49am
hello, i played a BS match and i was the the second best player in the game, i am quite surprised that there is no moonshard on the items on any build. we won the game SO closely because of a CRAZY silencer who would 4-5 hit every one. BUT i DOMINATED him with a mask of madness, moonshard and a crystalys and FINALLY i stunned him long enough with skull basher so i could kill him, sometimes i would add blood rage inside my combo, so i think adding a moonshard would be nice, also, i almost always go for this skill build: Q-W-Q-W-E-R just in case you wanted to know
Bunny of Doom69 | September 16, 2015 3:15pm
famashunter wrote:

A clever slark can easily kill BS late for early game just get an urn and carry tps if you are going against BS as slark :)

Yeah, it's a bit of a mixed bag. BS can target Slark with Rupture, but I don't love going BS against a Slark.
famashunter | September 16, 2015 2:33am
The Bluerage wrote:

Slark is one of the best allies. I used to play slark with my friend bs.
Pounce + Blood rite combo is pretty nasty.

Bs is the worst enemy of slark and slark is the best ally of bs.

A clever slark can easily kill BS late for early game just get an urn and carry tps if you are going against BS as slark :)
Bunny of Doom69 | September 13, 2015 5:19pm
Blubbles wrote:

How did you color the lines? Looks really cool.

td bgcolor=#ff0000 padding=1 width=705]

^ All in a row, with a [ to complete each bracket

I put a lot of work into the format. It's important to break up paragraphs and keep each point brief. No one wants to look at blocks of text. Colors, pictures, fonts, lines, etc. break up the monotony. Thanks, again, for the compliment.
Blubbles (13) | September 13, 2015 11:51am
How did you color the lines? Looks really cool.
Bunny of Doom69 | September 12, 2015 12:16am
Blubbles wrote:

I really like the formatting on this guide. +1

Blubbles (13) | September 11, 2015 11:51pm
I really like the formatting on this guide. +1
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