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19 Votes

The Apotheosis of Nortrom (an in-depth Silencer guide)

August 27, 2012 by Sefi
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Sefi (3) | September 1, 2012 1:04am

Hmmm did you mix up your Skill Builds with Support and Carry, glaives is usually picked on Carry Silencer.

I recently updated the guide and explained why I use the skill build I do. I understand that other people may disagree, but for me, Carry Silencer with early max Glaives is not worthwhile and Max Curse is the way to go. As I've said though, people are free to mix around the skillbuilds according to their playstyle, and I hope that the fact that this is my preferred playstyle doesn't necessitate downvoting the whole guide.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 31, 2012 9:01am
Hmmm did you mix up your Skill Builds with Support and Carry, glaives is usually picked on Carry Silencer.
Sefi (3) | August 25, 2012 11:07pm
Palma wrote:

^What they said, really helpful guide indeed.

Just one quick question, which would you prefer silencer to be, a support or carry? Which one is easier to play. I don't have so much experience with Silencer but I'm really keen to give it a try.

In my opinion Silencer is much better fitted to be a Carry. I pretty much never pick Silencer and go in saying "Guess I'm playing Support!" unless my team comp makes it absolutely necessary.
On a note though, Silencer isn't exactly naturally supportive. No stuns/buffs/slows/heals or any other kind of ability that helps the team other than his ulti. So playing a Support Silencer is completely reliant on buying Support based items, which means what? You still need farm.

Whichever one is easier though depends on your team. If no one on your team has some kind of stun or disable, or people keep killstealing you, it's going to be really hard to be a successful carry and it would be easier on you and better for your team to fill a Supportive role. If your Support is trying to go Rambo and Carry instead of doing their job, you'll be looked at to pick up the slack.
But if your team is very coordinated and the Support is doing their thing, you'll find it very easy to carry the team.
Palma | August 23, 2012 9:32pm
^What they said, really helpful guide indeed.

Just one quick question, which would you prefer silencer to be, a support or carry? Which one is easier to play. I don't have so much experience with Silencer but I'm really keen to give it a try.
Sefi (3) | August 17, 2012 5:06am
StevenLK wrote:

+1 Very long and in depth. I played a game or two with Silencer before but didn't do so well. I guess I'm going to try again one of these days with this guide.

Thank you, and glad to hear it :D
StevenLK (10) | August 16, 2012 6:30am
+1 Very long and in depth. I played a game or two with Silencer before but didn't do so well. I guess I'm going to try again one of these days with this guide.
Sefi (3) | August 7, 2012 8:50pm
jaslam wrote:

I think you got the support and carry skill builds the wrong way around? orb build on the support guide, 1st skill build on the carry guide?

Get guide / hero - good job otherwise +1

This reply ended up being so long I just put it in the guide. It's directly after the "Note On Curse" in the skills section. I hope it clears up any questions about why I play Silencer the way I do :3
jaslam (21) | August 7, 2012 3:01am
I think you got the support and carry skill builds the wrong way around? orb build on the support guide, 1st skill build on the carry guide?

Get guide / hero - good job otherwise +1
Sefi (3) | August 6, 2012 11:42pm
xCO2 wrote:

Silencer is my favorite carry, and you've done him justice. Great guide, you should add in something about orb walking in the early game section. +1

Huzzah, another Notrom fan. They're so few and far between. :D
I completely neglected to mention that. Small Orb-Walking section added, although I feel like it's a skill best explained via video and I don't want to use one without asking.
Sefi (3) | August 6, 2012 11:40pm

Really good write up - nice detail and very easy to read. Used in-game to great success +1

Appreciate it; I'm glad it was easy to read. I'm still playing with the formatting :3
Sefi (3) | August 6, 2012 11:38pm
Hades4u wrote:

Awesome guide, I really like it! Good job, keep making guides like this one :)

Gave you +1 vote :)

Thank you very much :D I'll consider doing other guides, but I only know a few heroes half as well as I know Nortrom.
xCO2 (72) | August 6, 2012 8:41am
Silencer is my favorite carry, and you've done him justice. Great guide, you should add in something about orb walking in the early game section. +1
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