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28 Votes

Soffy's In-Depth Enchantress Guide [7.20e]

December 17, 2018 by Soffy-chan
Comments: 22    |    Views: 177879    |   

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DesiredWind | February 11, 2021 4:00pm
This is without doubt incredible. It provides so much information! Thanks for your hard work!
Masked_Man98 (20) | November 30, 2018 2:14am
Surely the best guide in the whole
I enjoyed every part of it great job.
Soffy-chan (5) | November 30, 2018 6:16am
Those words carry a lot of weight for me. Thank you very much, really!
SecretlyInLoveWithYou | November 29, 2018 9:45pm
Vou usar nas minhas rankeds, muito obrigado.
Soffy-chan (5) | September 1, 2018 4:00pm
Guide updated.
quadra | August 20, 2018 5:04am
so pretty and useful guide!
but Enchantress was changed in the latest patches. could you update the guide a little?
there are doubts about the priority of heal skill
Soffy-chan (5) | August 22, 2018 9:26am
I'm sorry, I don't follow you. What do you mean by "there are doubts about the priority of heal skill"? The priority in my guide is Untouchable, not Nature's Attendants.

However, if you're talking about starting with Nature's Attendants, I'd say it's still the most viable start because of the sustain it provides, even though its mana cost was nerfed in patch 7.19. Enchantress was picked 23 times on The International up until now; out of those, Nature's Attendants was 20 times the starting skill of choice, which corresponds approximately to 87% of the times. That seems to me that it's actually the best option in most cases. Regarding your other concern, the guide is currently up to date; you can see all the changes in the 'Changelog' section.

If you'd like to elaborate more on that or if you have any other questions, feel free to ask! And thank you for the kind words.
EvilHorde | August 5, 2018 9:41pm
Curti demais o guia... como um player que passou os últimos 2 anos e meio no hiato, vou me apegar nesse guia :D curtia demais jogar com ela, e lendo certas partes vi que o raciocínio nosso é bem parecido

Soffy-chan (5) | August 11, 2018 8:48pm
Muito honrada em saber que gostou!
Espero que o guia lhe seja útil.
Soffy-chan (5) | July 29, 2018 4:26pm
Guide updated.
MR_1747 (2) | May 23, 2018 8:56pm
I'm a simple guy. I immediately vote when I see a beautiful and concise guide. :p

Are you a graphic designer by any chance?
Soffy-chan (5) | May 25, 2018 8:43am
Thanks a lot!

I actually worked with one in the creation of the guide, yes.
ManOfManyNames | May 20, 2018 3:39pm
Very well done, organized, and beautifully shown.
Amazing guide.
Soffy-chan (5) | May 22, 2018 11:43pm
Thank you very much! That means a lot. (:
Sh1ftR | May 15, 2018 6:02am
Demorou mas agora tá aqui! ASHUSHAUHUASHUSA

Parabéns, Soffy, o guia tá muuito bom mesmo: linguagem simples, objetivo, técnico e extremamente bem formatado; em estrutura textual e em BBCode. Talvez eu até tente jogar de Enchantress agora *cinema sins laugh*. Deveríamos ter mais guias que nem o seu no D.F. GJ!
Soffy-chan (5) | May 15, 2018 6:19am
LeoBertz | May 15, 2018 4:53am
Parabens Sofia!
Soffy-chan (5) | May 15, 2018 6:08am
Obrigada, Leozinho. <3
Candril | May 15, 2018 12:08am
The best Enchantress guide I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing!
Soffy-chan (5) | May 15, 2018 12:25am
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