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12 Votes

The LOL player's guide to playing DOTA 2

August 15, 2012 by jrhawk42#269720
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seank888 | August 27, 2012 2:21am
Xenasis wrote:

As a LoL player that came to DotA, I disagree a lot of points in this guide. I'll go over a few. -

Juggernaut -
"His LOL equivalent is Master Yi" - Untrue. Completely different styles. Yi has no non-auto attack damage really, a lot of Juggernaut's comes from Omnislash, and almost all early game damage comes from Blade Fury.

"He's also one of the most popular/best carries in the game." - Very, very untrue. He's very rarely picked in tournaments and he's not really popular either (try ). Lots come before him.

Axe -
Axe isn't really the most popular jungler. Try Nature's Prophet, Chen or Lycan for that honour. He's more often than not played in a lane when played competitively, and that has been slowly increasing.

"I've barely scratched the surface w/ most champs myself, but here are some champions that are easier to play, and have LOL equivalents. Don't feel like you have to play these champs but they are good places to start."

They are heroes in DotA. You said it yourself!

"Casters suck late game, agility sucks early game."
Can be very untrue in some cases. Take Tinker, Storm Spirit and Leshrac as examples of good late game 'casters', and take Juggernaut, Venomancer (though a support and I assume you mean agility carry), Luna and Brood as agility heroes with potent early games.

It could be worth noting that suggested items are considerably, considerably better in DotA than they are in LoL. I came to DotA expecting the same but was pleasantly surprised. There are a few heroes where it could be better, but for the most part, it's almost perfect.

Axe isn't a very popular jungler and I haven't really played him but he's supposed to be one of the easiest, so it's easier for newer players to learn jungling, which also explains why he's not a popular jungler as most new players don't even know what jungling is. (They probably know a lot more if they came from LoL) Having never played LoL before, I was very confused during my first dota game. It didn't help that I picked a carry, morphling because he looked cool.

I don't know anything about Master Yi, but Jugg is the 12th most played hero according to that website and I've definitely heard him referenced as one of the most popular heroes before. It's probably one of those things where someone said it and it spread, or it's left over from when there were fewer heroes as jugg has been around for a while.

The other stuff is definitely good singsing even carried a game with tinker going something like 34-0. The replay is somewhere on youtube.

Also feedback for the person who created this guide, you should add more heroes which really help a player to get into the style of dota without being more complex. Since LoL doesn't have any other controllable units, it might be tricky to jump into chen or brood, but a lycan would be simpler to learn. Sven is also a good hero for people to get into dota, and so is bounty hunter.
nryn (1) | August 17, 2012 10:17am
About the store, the way they're organized came from wc3 dota where taverns only have 4x3 slots.

and even though heroes are divided by their stats, it's not really the basis of their role. there are agis and strs who can spam skills and kill you in an instant early/mid game.
and some ints aren't very useful early game.

in the end it's down to learning all the heroes so you can predict it's next moves. kinda like chess, where you have to know which moves a knight can do. if you do not know that it moves like an l and you put something there it will be eaten.
StevenLK (10) | August 16, 2012 6:55pm
^ Yeah as a Dota player that came from LoL, the losing gold on death was absolutely infuriating in my early games. There is also a grid view for the shop and I would recommend using that since it makes it so much easier to use.
PotM_Plz (19) | August 16, 2012 6:43pm
I don't think you stressed enough how important last hitting is, especially for carries. For a LoL prospective, last hits are not nearly as important, due to sheer aggressiveness of the early game play, and not losing money after death.
Glayde (13) | August 16, 2012 3:02pm
Very good guide, but instead of Kunkka, I think Dragon Knight is a better choice for a noob friendly strength hero. Also, explain how brush from LOL is kinda like trees in Dota, as well as the difference between the two jungles (no blue/red buff).

Overall, great guide, +1, it would really help LoL players.
StevenLK (10) | August 16, 2012 9:39am
The tier 1 towers are weak but as you progress through the tiers the towers get stronger although I'm not sure by how much. If I remember correctly, the towers in LoL all had the same damage although the hp was different depending on the tier.
Ynaht | August 16, 2012 7:57am
Guide is pretty well organized good job
From my understanding of towers they target based on proximity to the tower and allied heroes being attack withing range of the tower. Earlier on its far better to go slightly ahead of your creeps when pushing a tower(after they agrro it of course) and take down the enemies incoming creep wave.
Couple of heroes to suggest:
Anti-Mage - Vastly popular, Mobile, only two Active skills, Quick AA animation
Lycan: Insanely powerful jungler/laner, teaches rather simple micro, Is a badass wolf
Nature's Prophet: Tf-esque non-ulti teleport, teaches micro , Jungler
Skeleton King: Ult is a free aegis/GA, stun, only one active skill
Zeus: The bastard child of strong casters, "Hey Zeus Press R!", He's your god too
Dazzle: All skills contribute to supporting teammates and have low c/d, Shadow Wave early on counts as a nuke, slow-slow-stun, Shallow grave is basically a trynd ult on ANY ally
Dragon Knight: Easy to use, durable, sustainable w/o lifesteal, HE TURNS INTO A DRAGON what more could you want

I really agree that Kunkka should not be recommended for newer players as his skills do have a delay and require perfect positioning from the player
Xenasis (11) | August 16, 2012 7:41am
As a LoL player that came to DotA, I disagree a lot of points in this guide. I'll go over a few. -

Juggernaut -
"His LOL equivalent is Master Yi" - Untrue. Completely different styles. Yi has no non-auto attack damage really, a lot of Juggernaut's comes from Omnislash, and almost all early game damage comes from Blade Fury.

"He's also one of the most popular/best carries in the game." - Very, very untrue. He's very rarely picked in tournaments and he's not really popular either (try ). Lots come before him.

Axe -
Axe isn't really the most popular jungler. Try Nature's Prophet, Chen or Lycan for that honour. He's more often than not played in a lane when played competitively, and that has been slowly increasing.

"I've barely scratched the surface w/ most champs myself, but here are some champions that are easier to play, and have LOL equivalents. Don't feel like you have to play these champs but they are good places to start."

They are heroes in DotA. You said it yourself!

"Casters suck late game, agility sucks early game."
Can be very untrue in some cases. Take Tinker, Storm Spirit and Leshrac as examples of good late game 'casters', and take Juggernaut, Venomancer (though a support and I assume you mean agility carry), Luna and Brood as agility heroes with potent early games.

It could be worth noting that suggested items are considerably, considerably better in DotA than they are in LoL. I came to DotA expecting the same but was pleasantly surprised. There are a few heroes where it could be better, but for the most part, it's almost perfect.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 16, 2012 6:58am
Guide: Pick Sniper that's that only hero they are good with lol.

Skill shot heros aren't for dumb dumbs, suggest the auto-attackers, like Sven, Lycan, or people with ez pz escape mechanisms.
Hades4u (296) | August 16, 2012 6:49am
Pretty nice guide, I bet it will help many LoL players, I'll give you a +1 vote :)

Good job.
TinySmahed (2) | August 16, 2012 4:36am
i also add that kunkka isnt that easy to use. he needs a player with good estimation and timing especially ghost ship as it hits 1500 units from where you clicked it
TinySmahed (2) | August 16, 2012 4:33am
Great for the lol fans who would change into dota 2. But i still hate lol.+1 though
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