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5 Votes

Feel "Blurry"?

April 30, 2016 by Sergey Bubka
Comments: 7    |    Views: 14269    |   

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nekru | June 29, 2016 5:51am
as a content greater i appreciata ur work but i dont see the logic with satanic and hot and no bkb i also think that bfly should be situational when snowballing
MiracleFan | May 6, 2016 6:39pm
Great Guide Man! but I recommend getting Phantom Strike at early levels so you can chase enemies and escape deaths :)

You can check out my guide on Phantom Assassin Snowball and Carry stuff
famasofwar (4) | May 4, 2016 1:06pm
Why make this guide? Shallow and nothing new to offer :x
Vapor24 (1) | May 1, 2016 11:46pm
Hey man, I'd just like to give you a few tips to improve your guide. Firstly, please explain your reasoning behind your skill build, it does not make much sense to me. Secondly, I would include butterfly as a situational item in some cases but most of the time it is best to refrain from picking it up. Why? Well because since PA already has 50% evasion the enemies main right clicker is going to pickup an mkb 90% of the time. Also, if I were to follow your build I would get nuked and I would die really easily (up to butterfly). You really need to include an MKB and a real damage item other than butterfly for reasons I've already explained. Also I would refrain from buying both heart AND Satanic. That is terrible balance as you will be a huge tank but you would lake the damage you need to be a viable carry. You need to include an item such as MKB if the enemies have evasion, A possible skull basher, sange and yasha, daedelus (I know pa already has a crit but crits still stack but just not as effectively).
Blubbles (13) | April 30, 2016 1:21pm
Decent guide, but I'd like to see a section on gmaeplay/ tips and tricks. Also you really need BKB in there somewhere because PA simply doesnt have the amount of escape that say, a Slark does. Especially in the late game with those huge nukes.
assimic777 | April 30, 2016 11:43am
Good guide! I would recommend getting Battlefury first, because it is a farming item and the earlier you get it, the sooner you can get butterfly. A couple minutes matters with Battlefury because of the insane farming speed.
Sergey Bubka | April 30, 2016 12:42pm
Thank you for your feedback!
I really did consider that and tried going with that method myself and yes, that is quite effective, however it requires good skills when it comes to farming and this guide was more oriented for beginners. With the Dominator and Power Treads, farming for the Battle Fury is piece of cake in the jungle and it is a safer way in my opinion
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