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5 Votes

Antimage || Hard Carry

May 2, 2016 by MiracleFan
Comments: 13    |    Views: 33399    |   

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M1M1M1M1M1M1 | October 25, 2017 6:19am
Please do Invoker I really want to learn how to play Invoker
UnholyReavrz | May 6, 2016 6:57pm
This guide is cool, I tried this and I winned
thnx for making this guide man..
butterflyz | May 2, 2016 3:04am
I don't think Sniper is a good laning partner with Anti-Mage as Sniper is also a carry that needs farm.

Also, Miracle- is not from Team Secret
MiracleFan | May 2, 2016 3:36am
But the main goal is to make you fat so sniper will play just harasser
butterflyz | May 2, 2016 4:47am
What is sniper going to do after laning phase with only a brown boots?

I agree that you need someone to support you in lane, but that hero is not sniper.
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MiracleFan | May 2, 2016 3:13am
Sry my mistake :)
Safecyn (32) | April 30, 2016 12:23pm
Hey there! Just to give you a word of advice, if you're recommending an Abyssal Blade on Anti-Mage you may want to suggest a Vanguard over a Vladmir's Offering, since it builds from that now. It prevents you from doubling down on a sustain item for jungling (since the damage block and regen is more than enough to keep you healthy), and frees up your offlaner (likely a tanky strength hero in this patch) to buy the Vlad's instead. Also gives you an extra item slot in the late game!

Good guide though.
Vapor24 (1) | May 2, 2016 6:51pm
I was going to say the same thing, if you are going to buy Vlad's then I would refrain from buying abyssal blade. Having both damage block and vlads is unnecessary. If you really want vlads I'd build a butterfly instead of Abys. If you really want Abys then building vanguard instead of vlads is a great option (especially in 6.87 because damage block now works on illusion). You may want to edit your guide.
Blubbles (13) | April 30, 2016 1:24pm
Agreed. Also if you already have enough for BFury and Manta, Vlads really isnt needed. Better to go Vanguard because it scales better.
MiracleFan | April 30, 2016 7:35pm
Well if you want lifesteal for some survivality in teamfights vlads if you need :)
but you can go vanguard then Heart of Tarrasque :)
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