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5 Votes

The Shape - By Goo

April 4, 2016 by TheGooGaming
Comments: 6    |    Views: 40382    |   

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Ontarab | April 17, 2016 4:32am
indonesia language please wkwkk
Unusual Ghost | April 13, 2016 5:23pm
I'm still reading, but one thing worth noting - you mentioned the pre-6.86 aghs doing 100% stat damage. It was actually 3x your strength as damage.

Another thing I just found - in your Hood of Defiance section, you list the stacked magic resistance at 66%. Magic resistance doesn't actually stack fully. I just checked in a lobby, the actual percentage with hood+max flesh heap is 53% resist. Goes up to 58% with pipe.
The Frosto (14) | April 4, 2016 10:16am
Well I haven't read it all, and I ever won't since I'm not a Pudge player but I'm going to give a +1 just for the effort that is in the guide.

Great job
sugarhill_gank (3) | April 4, 2016 7:56am
Wow, I haven't read the whole guide yet but it's really overwhelming. Great job!

One hint I couldn't find (using ctrl+f) is the self-deny using soul-ring + deny. Maybe it is in the guide and I just couldn't find it.

If it isn't in the guide: what do you think about it?
TheGooGaming (29) | April 4, 2016 9:23am
It was in the draft, must have accidentally deleted it in copy pasting. What do I think about it? Well, it's added value for a Pudge offlane that is likely to get killed or dived multiple times.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | April 1, 2016 11:29pm
Great guide as usual goo!
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