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17 Votes

Crystal Maiden, the scourge of Icewrack

June 9, 2016 by The Frosto
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Pallas Athene | June 14, 2016 4:00pm
Hello, thanks for the guide. I've played her for many years since DOTA 1 and she's my main hero when I play solo ranked and I still found many useful and enlightening information in your guide, congratulations. I've always max leveled her aura first and the way you stated why you prefer to max level Crystal Nova really got me thinking and I'm very willing to try it. However, I can already antecipate ranked players complaining that they want more levels in the aura and everybody here knows how that can turn into a disaster once people start fighting among their teammates. Any thoughts on that?
The Frosto (14) | June 15, 2016 5:23am
Mostly in my games they don't even notice that I have only one level in aura. The other members in the team also won't feel it in their mana to hard that you took lesser levels.

Mostly when I skilled aura for the first time I ping on the buff icon above the hp bar. Than everyone can see I skilled aura and they are happy.

If they notice and they critize it I will just say something like "oh you are maybe right but I can't change the previous levels anymore". Than you just stay skilling your active skills. People are often happy enough if you "recognise" your mistake.
Gabriela Silang | May 8, 2016 11:28am
And also this guide needs some correction and upgrades and specific points but i know the author can manage those vERY Good guide tho :)
Gabriela Silang | May 8, 2016 10:24am
i think this guide is very recommended when you have 3k mmr up !! This wont do nicely in 2k mmr below. I remember when i wss starting to play dota 2 i tried all guides i read and apply it in game but YEAH doesnt work HAHAHAHA. So whoever might read this guide apply this only if you are in 3K MMR Above or if you are playing with your reliable friends :)
MatumBraum (1) | March 31, 2016 5:37pm
Great guide, man!
Congrats and +1!
Wish more people read guides like these and go play a bit of support instead every game 4 or 5 carry team.
The Frosto (14) | March 24, 2016 10:30am
Well, ty for the rare comment ;-)
TheGooGaming (29) | March 23, 2016 8:55pm
I don't usually comment around Dotafire, but this is a good guide right here.
The Frosto (14) | March 12, 2016 12:15pm
Well in my experience or pubs don't notice or they just ping on you and call you a greedy support. As long you play good they won't be angry if you take a stack with your ult. Also never care about others in dota. People know nothing in general and almost nobody in pubs is an amazing Crystal Maiden/ just a support player.
FrostHard | March 9, 2016 6:37am
This'll show why you shouldn't max Arcane Aura. Literally everyone I know, including those I know RL, wants CM to max it. This bugs me everytime I play her, like, everyone seems to be focused on their personal gain.

And I always knew that Freezing Field-ing a stack is completely legit. I just didn't have the balls to try it yet. I don't know what pubs would say though.

You know, you should make an in-game guide. I'd like to use it.
The Frosto (14) | March 6, 2016 11:12am
ChiChi wrote:

Edit: For when is the guide on Vengefull Spirit? +.+

Well if I'm going to make another guide it will be about here, specially for you. Only problem is that I don't think I will have time soon as long school is wrecking me :(
UltraSuperHyper (12) | March 6, 2016 10:29am
I'd use the ultimate to farm if I have like a camp which has been stacked twice or thrice and if clearing that up would then get me something really important. ( for example, blink dagger)
ChiChi (47) | March 6, 2016 10:29am
Yea you explained it really well and I agree that if you can get away with it it's definitelly the best way to farm a stack. But I still think 9/10 times you should leave the stack for the carry later. Anyway congrats on your guide! :)

Edit: For when is the guide on Vengefull Spirit? +.+
The Frosto (14) | March 6, 2016 9:26am
Well about the ulti to farm, it is not just to do a little camp with. It is for when you have been jungling 5-6 minutes and you have your ult ready. The thing is mostly Freezing Field isn't going to do much in early teamfights, with some exceptions, and than you can use it to do a stack. It has only 90 seconds cooldown so mostly it will be back off cooldown when next teamfight comes. I also don't use this technique all games.

I showed this so people shouldn't be to shy for using it and that they would know it is good to do in the right circumstances. It's just that Freezing Field isn't used often in the early game because you can't always get in a good position. And mostly you should just give the stack to a core that can farm it ofcourse. But always stay close for the exp!
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