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How to fill your Jug (7.02)

February 23, 2017 by Hagwill
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darkshock | March 9, 2017 10:18am
why use Daedalus. The crits don't really stack. That's why pa and wk don't build it.
Hamstertamer (89) | March 9, 2017 12:07pm
Crit is actually a good item on PA and WK. Do the math and you'll understand.

Crit chances stack. With 2 crits, they'll both proc independantly. The only restriction is that if they both proc, only the highest multiplier is taken, the other is ignored.

Crit stacking is better if your crit chance is low.

PA and WK have a 15% chance to crit, so they still get 85% of the DPS increase from crit. It's a solid item on them both.

Jugg has a 35% chance to crit, so he only gets 65% of the DPS increase from crit. Crit on Jugg is far less good and he generally prefers better damage items like bfly, Mjollnir or MKB.
Sclipzer | March 9, 2017 11:39am
Higher crit chance. If Blade Dance doesn't proc there's still a 30% chance that Daedalus will proc. Jugg has only 1,4 BAT, making him attack very fast. And the faster you attack the more crits you'll get. It's actually a decent DPS boost.
Croofe (1) | February 26, 2017 3:40am
No skill explanation why skill them first or delay them? I usually like reading those and compare with my personal experience.

Here's my critics on the guide:
  1. The starting items is very encouraging for enemies to harass you hard. Yes I know Juggernaut can heal from Healing Ward, but unless using it for recovery after enemy gank attempt, i usually use Tango or Salve to heal. Juggernaut is an aggresive laner, be it 1vs1 safelane vs offlane or 1vs1 mid or trilane or 2vs2 lane, because he can trade hits with the opponent with Blade Dance and go for kills with Blade Fury. To do those, he needs mana, and spamming Healing Ward means he has no mana, thus no lane presence.
  2. What happens when you have used mango and kept getting harassed hard? staying in lane doing nothing while enemy denies every creep? You will just be a deadweight to your team. And please don't say there is Healing Ward, enemies will just kept harassing you after recovery.
  3. Also, in 7.00 patch, the game shifts to even faster game. People already knocks on your tower at 8 minutes into the game (even faster if your offlane is abandoned). If you are sitting in lane for 16 minutes farming Aghanim's Scepter or battlefury, then another 7 minutes to farm another big item withoout contribution, that's just asking for your team to shout at you "Yeah sure, farm More!". Oh and everyone knows when Juggernaut only has Battlefury, he is very killable.
  4. Also, that's under the assumption people will NOT gank at you in the first 16 minutes. Because if they gank you hard and are forced to jungle after say, 8 minutes in lane, how to sustain when he is dealing with neutral creeps, continously?

Hopefully this problems can be addressed.

And my opinion for this guide: It forces your teammates to create a very big space for you, which probably won't happen unless your mid laner is able to shutdown enemy mid to oblivion, and the chances for that happening is low, downright impossible even, with the existences of Shrine making mid very sustainable. Sorry, I just find this guide not very reliable if those are the requirements.
adityamakhi (1) | March 20, 2016 10:38pm
Hey nice fast short guide
I think you should add MOM too its a great item on him chasing lifesteal attack during ult
Also it can later be sold to get satanic.
On the counter of euls glimmer should not be taken like i am not hitting anybody it should rather be 1 person more i.e you ult 3 people one of them euls but the n you kill the other two
Never omnislash a lone enemy dont waste one of the best ultis in the game
Blubbles (13) | March 16, 2016 6:08pm
Fatti wrote:

I don't honestly like this guide because the skills are not skilled well. The healing ward is not a good pick up early game unless u are going off lane

I disaggree. Healing ward can be very beneficial especially against heavy harass lanes like Necrophos
Fatti | March 16, 2016 6:05pm
I don't honestly like this guide because the skills are not skilled well. The healing ward is not a good pick up early game unless u are going off lane
Hagwill | March 5, 2016 9:55pm
yj89 wrote:

I don't want insult you make you feel bad but from your guide I can see a lot expensive item. As a result you spend time farming a lot neglect your teammate. I personally think this is guide will lead those idiot at low mmr bracket keep on lowly. Why ?everytime I see juggernaut must battle fury. U said farming purpose. average player can farm one in 20 minute or less depend how much hero you can kill. If u depend solely on kill creeps u cannot reach it within 16 minute. Your build is a practical joke for those fantasy player mind never tested. By the time u win only because teammate strong help u win. As u misunderstand yourself thinking is strong build. funnily it sucks. too much farming throughout the game. In real tournament u farm 16 minute keep on farming? LOL people laugh at ur build idiot build...I can write a guide like u name any fantasy item being rated good..I worry people like u mis guide a person to wrong way.WHY THE **** EVERYONE SO NOT OBSESSED ON HERO INSTREAD CREEP. OH JESUS. ALWAYS SAY THIS"I FARM ...I FARM... BALTTLE FURY FOR......FOR FOR...F...F....FA....R....."PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT DOESN;T MATTER WHAT U SAY! IT IS FUNNY BUILD. IN TOURNAMENT U DONT HAVE TIME FARMING...MAYBE U TALKING ABOUT TI1 STYLE STILL CAN PLAY FARM SLOW SLOW LIKE HONEY MOON.! OH MY JESUS! STOP BATTLE FURY

Okay so let me make this clear and I will say this to not make peopole disappointed, I am not a professional player nor a really good one. I am a mediocre player who has a somewhat good understanding of the game. That means that I am not a 5k+ mmr player, I am just a player who wants to share my excperiance for the newer players, and get some critism from the upper brackets off players. But I can see what you mean and I will take that into consideration under my time playing, but let me ask you, how should I build then if not too farm for 40 mins or whatever. (Btw I havnt built battle fury for my last what? 5 games as I didn't see the benefits as clear. That did lead to me getting a early scepter and a mkb/deso and therefore reking them.)
masaaki14 (11) | March 5, 2016 9:46pm
yj89 wrote:

I don't want insult you make you feel bad but from your guide I can see a lot expensive item. As a result you spend time farming a lot neglect your teammate. I personally think this is guide will lead those idiot at low mmr bracket keep on lowly. Why ?everytime I see juggernaut must battle fury. U said farming purpose. average player can farm one in 20 minute or less depend how much hero you can kill. If u depend solely on kill creeps u cannot reach it within 16 minute. Your build is a practical joke for those fantasy player mind never tested. By the time u win only because teammate strong help u win. As u misunderstand yourself thinking is strong build. funnily it sucks. too much farming throughout the game. In real tournament u farm 16 minute keep on farming? LOL people laugh at ur build idiot build...I can write a guide like u name any fantasy item being rated good..I worry people like u mis guide a person to wrong way.WHY THE **** EVERYONE SO NOT OBSESSED ON HERO INSTREAD CREEP. OH JESUS. ALWAYS SAY THIS"I FARM ...I FARM... BALTTLE FURY FOR......FOR FOR...F...F....FA....R....."PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT DOESN;T MATTER WHAT U SAY! IT IS FUNNY BUILD. IN TOURNAMENT U DONT HAVE TIME FARMING...MAYBE U TALKING ABOUT TI1 STYLE STILL CAN PLAY FARM SLOW SLOW LIKE HONEY MOON.! OH MY JESUS! STOP BATTLE FURY

Its actually pretty easy to get your battlefury by 15min on just creeps. Hero kills are a side dish, your main income always comes from creeps.

One full wave of creeps in the first 15 inutes makes you around 165 gold, you get 2 waves per minute, so in the first 15 minutes, you can get a maximum of 4950 gold, enough to buy brown boots and a battlefury. Of course, it might be stretching it to get every single creep in every wave, so lets say you miss 1 creep every wave. Then you should get around 39000 gold by 15minutes. Add 1 large camp every minute from the 8 min mark after you get quelling Blade and RoH, so another 700 gold, and you already have enough to rush BF. One or 2 kills ensure you get battlefury by 15minutes.

Therefore. 16 minutes bf is not unrealistic, even if you rely solely on creep kills, assuming you are good at last hitting.
yj89 | March 5, 2016 8:18pm
I don't want insult you make you feel bad but from your guide I can see a lot expensive item. As a result you spend time farming a lot neglect your teammate. I personally think this is guide will lead those idiot at low mmr bracket keep on lowly. Why ?everytime I see juggernaut must battle fury. U said farming purpose. average player can farm one in 20 minute or less depend how much hero you can kill. If u depend solely on kill creeps u cannot reach it within 16 minute. Your build is a practical joke for those fantasy player mind never tested. By the time u win only because teammate strong help u win. As u misunderstand yourself thinking is strong build. funnily it sucks. too much farming throughout the game. In real tournament u farm 16 minute keep on farming? LOL people laugh at ur build idiot build...I can write a guide like u name any fantasy item being rated good..I worry people like u mis guide a person to wrong way.WHY THE **** EVERYONE SO NOT OBSESSED ON HERO INSTREAD CREEP. OH JESUS. ALWAYS SAY THIS"I FARM ...I FARM... BALTTLE FURY FOR......FOR FOR...F...F....FA....R....."PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT DOESN;T MATTER WHAT U SAY! IT IS FUNNY BUILD. IN TOURNAMENT U DONT HAVE TIME FARMING...MAYBE U TALKING ABOUT TI1 STYLE STILL CAN PLAY FARM SLOW SLOW LIKE HONEY MOON.! OH MY JESUS! STOP BATTLE FURY
Hagwill | March 2, 2016 4:45am
Zetsuna wrote:

Hmmm excuse me sir, Im newbie bout jugger at doto 2 but kinda old enough at wc3. i think maxing Blade Fury is not effective way if you play jugger with Battle Fury better stacks up ability bonus point at lvl 4 and 5 after taking all spells lv 1 then maxing crits after Battle Fury done since his q duration didnt increased up and it falls so damn quick .-. overall its a good guide and I agree for aghs upgrade is not bad but the stats is too costy better get skadi or abyssal~ :D

I am going to make a experimental build and might just add your skill build to that. But the extra dmg is amazing and has given me enough kills to keep skilling it. And thank you for visiting!
Zetsuna (1) | March 1, 2016 8:58pm
Hmmm excuse me sir, Im newbie bout jugger at doto 2 but kinda old enough at wc3. i think maxing Blade Fury is not effective way if you play jugger with Battle Fury better stacks up ability bonus point at lvl 4 and 5 after taking all spells lv 1 then maxing crits after Battle Fury done since his q duration didnt increased up and it falls so damn quick .-. overall its a good guide and I agree for aghs upgrade is not bad but the stats is too costy better get skadi or abyssal~ :D
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