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19 Votes

Betray Your Prophets - By Goo

February 20, 2016 by TheGooGaming
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Imposer | July 6, 2016 12:43am
Fantastic guide, really helped clear up my foggy understanding of when to go different builds/starting items. I'm really glad I was able to find such an in depth guide this up to date. Just a few things I'd like to say, though I'm not sure if when you said you'd be updating guides that you meant this one as well. There is one point where you said you could dissemble sange and yasha for manta and maybe Silver Edge, unfortunately not sange is not a component of silver edge anymore. Also I was wondering what your thoughts are on Bloodthorn. Does it make Orchid a more favourable pick up, as it combines that with Chrysalis which you said was rather good? Obviously the true strike and enemy heroes factors in. Thank you again for the guide.
-BrokeN-BrokeN- (4) | February 21, 2016 7:37am
Special thanks to BrokeN- and his ember spirit guide which helped me get my **** together and stop procrastinating on the release of Betray Your Prophets.

TheGooGaming (29) | January 19, 2016 8:33pm
masaaki14 wrote:

A combo i really love with SF is Shadow Demon, who has a built in "Euls" for you(same time, and similar placement), plus a mega damage amp, and a very strong bkb piercing slow. Of course, SD is a rarity among played heroes, but i used to be able to play SD at a decent level, so whenever i see a Euls SF, i literally jump for joy.

Will add
masaaki14 (11) | January 19, 2016 6:36pm
A combo i really love with SF is Shadow Demon, who has a built in "Euls" for you(same time, and similar placement), plus a mega damage amp, and a very strong bkb piercing slow. Of course, SD is a rarity among played heroes, but i used to be able to play SD at a decent level, so whenever i see a Euls SF, i literally jump for joy.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | January 19, 2016 10:08am
TheGooGaming wrote:

If you read the preface you'd know

I'm sorry. I skipped to the part about item builds stage as the rest seemed kinda familiar.
TheGooGaming (29) | January 19, 2016 9:36am

Also, did you not have a guide on sf here already?

If you read the preface you'd know
UltraSuperHyper (12) | January 19, 2016 9:15am
Also, did you not have a guide on sf here already?
michimatsch (26) | January 19, 2016 8:21am
You are going to stop writing guides?
But with what should I spend my time then? Where am I going to look if I want to learn a hero in depth? What should we do without you?
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 19, 2016 8:05am
I am gonna try that 6 faerie build. Seems so inventive!
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 19, 2016 8:04am
Great guide. Especially clarified my understanding of SF builds where I understood what build is glass cannon and what is the confused build. But can you tell me some examples of 6 slot sf builds that you think are good?

Is BKB-AC-Satanic-Blink/Skadi-Daedalus-Boots good?
How is Manta-Butterfly-BKB-Skadi-MKB-Boots?

I thank you from the bottom of my soles.
BTW my soles cost 2500$.
Still kidding.
Not kidding.
PS: if your team don't come to rune, report them. There is nothing wrong with that.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | January 18, 2016 9:06pm
Please don't stop making guides goo.

I loved the part about sf v/s sf mid.

ChiChi (47) | January 18, 2016 1:38pm
And goddam, the time you spend on this and how in depth it is! As always, +1
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