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3 Votes

Prepare for Trouble - an Arc Warden overview

December 15, 2015 by NDenizen
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Hamstertamer (89) | December 18, 2015 11:03am
miturian wrote:

you keep saying four necronomicons, but I think refresher only gives you 3?

one for you, one for your clone, one for your other clone?

Well techically refresher refreshes your own necronomicon as well after you cast it, so in a way you have two for yourself...
Except if you resummon your necrobook when they're already summoned they just die to be replaced by the new ones.
But there's still a synergy, it still reduced the cooldown of your own necrobook.
NDenizen (1) | December 17, 2015 3:49pm
Drybones013 wrote:

i may just be an idiot for asking this but why not level magnetic field first for pushing? since you can cast it next to your creep wave so they evade any damage and get the bonus atk speed

Magnetic Field only works for heroes, illusions and structures. It won't do anything for other units such as creeps.

It would be a bit too good, otherwise.
Drybones013 | December 17, 2015 5:58am
i may just be an idiot for asking this but why not level magnetic field first for pushing? since you can cast it next to your creep wave so they evade any damage and get the bonus atk speed
miturian | December 17, 2015 2:31am
you keep saying four necronomicons, but I think refresher only gives you 3?

one for you, one for your clone, one for your other clone?

otherwise very nice guide :) perhaps a rundown of which active items to use / stay away from, or suggestions for good trap spots? I played him once last night, and found that it's pretty difficult to set up a decent trap and actually have someone walk on it within its duration.
TheSofa (54) | December 16, 2015 4:26pm
Slight mistake in the skill build, check level 11 in the first one. :)

Other than that, well done. :D
Blubbles (13) | December 16, 2015 1:57pm
Pretty good formatting and details. Tempest Double is really gonna break the game (ive known this for a while).

I think Drum would be great option, 1. bc its Drum 2. Never have to use charges since Double can do it for you. same rules as Diffusal.

another broken item has to be basic regen from Tangoes and Claritys and now Enchanted Mangoes and Fairie Fires. Greaves not that great sicne it doesnt stack but it would be cool to spread the radius of it for more allies.

What do you think of a Shadow Amulet + Damage Items Build? Send out double with huge damage and no HP, while u hide with Amulet and dont have to worry about death? Maybe like: Tranquil Boots > Desolator > Shadow Amulet > Blink Dagger

EDIT: EBLADE rush? Midas into eblade? No? Ye?
UltraSuperHyper (12) | December 15, 2015 10:18pm
Right on schedule! Decent guide.
TheGooGaming (29) | December 15, 2015 7:54pm
Expect this guide to explode. Nicely put together, well formatted. Not that short. I'll give you my +1.
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