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There is a late game refresher combo i really like which consists of metheore, deafening blast, emp, refresher, metheor, emp, defeaning blast and then u have the whole team really low and out of mana or dead. The good thing about this combo is that if the team fight is already going you dont need to throw everyone up to do it.
From your Shadow Fiend to your Mid Lane guide to the all around Improvement Techniques and Drafting and General Lineup Strategy! These really helped me improve my game in such a short period of time since I don't really play a lot anymore.
Ever since his introduction to Dota 1 Invoker has been my favorite hero and I only started playing him in Dota 2 thanks to the new skill hotkeys.
One question though. Why don't you include BKB to his Pickup Pool or at least mention it?
I know he doesn't really need BKB since Invoker relies more in positioning and that Force Staff and/or Blink Dagger already solves this. But there are situations where Invoker needs magic immunity in order to fully cast all his spells.
Oh yea generally I just consider BKB implicit as a situational on any hero, but yea I should definetely put it in the build. Thanks for reminding me.
From your Shadow Fiend to your Mid Lane guide to the all around Improvement Techniques and Drafting and General Lineup Strategy! These really helped me improve my game in such a short period of time since I don't really play a lot anymore.
Ever since his introduction to Dota 1 Invoker has been my favorite hero and I only started playing him in Dota 2 thanks to the new skill hotkeys.
One question though. Why don't you include BKB to his Pickup Pool or at least mention it?
I know he doesn't really need BKB since Invoker relies more in positioning and that Force Staff and/or Blink Dagger already solves this. But there are situations where Invoker needs magic immunity in order to fully cast all his spells.
Damn it was long! But it is awesome. I am a frustrated Invoker player (mainly because I have no time to practice, you know, life and stuff) but I really like the way this guide explains the hero and his combos. I always see these common QW players and they are all "meh"...
TBH Invoker was the hero that moved me to play this game but damn is hard!
Just out of curiosity, couldn't pugna kind of counter you? I mean he's squishy, but if he had a well written placed nether ward couldn't that mess you up pretty badly. Anyways, +1 from me!
Oh yeah, I forgot about him. Maybe for the fact you never see him in matches, but yea, especially early game when you Ghost Walk.
Just out of curiosity, couldn't pugna kind of counter you? I mean he's squishy, but if he had a well written placed nether ward couldn't that mess you up pretty badly. Anyways, +1 from me!
EDIT: I really liked how you showed how to play each matchup. It's important for people to understand how to play matchups, especially mid where it is your player skill versus theirs.
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
Nice one Goo! I really love your guides!
From your Shadow Fiend to your Mid Lane guide to the all around Improvement Techniques and Drafting and General Lineup Strategy! These really helped me improve my game in such a short period of time since I don't really play a lot anymore.
Ever since his introduction to Dota 1 Invoker has been my favorite hero and I only started playing him in Dota 2 thanks to the new skill hotkeys.
One question though. Why don't you include BKB to his Pickup Pool or at least mention it?
I know he doesn't really need BKB since Invoker relies more in positioning and that Force Staff and/or Blink Dagger already solves this. But there are situations where Invoker needs magic immunity in order to fully cast all his spells.
Oh yea generally I just consider BKB implicit as a situational on any hero, but yea I should definetely put it in the build. Thanks for reminding me.
From your Shadow Fiend to your Mid Lane guide to the all around Improvement Techniques and Drafting and General Lineup Strategy! These really helped me improve my game in such a short period of time since I don't really play a lot anymore.
Ever since his introduction to Dota 1 Invoker has been my favorite hero and I only started playing him in Dota 2 thanks to the new skill hotkeys.
One question though. Why don't you include BKB to his Pickup Pool or at least mention it?
I know he doesn't really need BKB since Invoker relies more in positioning and that Force Staff and/or Blink Dagger already solves this. But there are situations where Invoker needs magic immunity in order to fully cast all his spells.
Thanks for the hard work you put on this one!
Just out of curiosity, couldn't pugna kind of counter you? I mean he's squishy, but if he had a well written placed nether ward couldn't that mess you up pretty badly. Anyways, +1 from me!
Oh yeah, I forgot about him. Maybe for the fact you never see him in matches, but yea, especially early game when you
EDIT: I really liked how you showed how to play each matchup. It's important for people to understand how to play matchups, especially mid where it is your player skill versus theirs.
Wonderful wonderful guide, as always.
I have to suggest something though. Although I have tried your skill build, I've found that this build works better for me:
1 > 1 > 3 > 1
3 > 1 > 3 > 1
3 > 7 > 3 > 2
Rush Aghs.
Because of the potency of the new upgrade (give +1 to all orbs), I've found that the attack and movespeed of this build really helps.
And rushing aghs is really good.
I leave exort and quas at 3 points because when I have aghs, then I can have the 3 forge spirits.
Read this, a discussion on this build here on dotafire.
But that's one thing. Other than that, well done.
Could you explain the core items a bit more? Because for people that suck at dota like me...