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Enigma - A Cipher Wrapped in an Enigma, Smothered in Secret Sauce

May 18, 2015 by Bleak
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Bleak | May 18, 2015 8:29pm
Thanks for the suggestion. I had forgotten to add anything about Guardian Greaves until you mentioned it. I'm not certain that Bloodstone is ever really essential for Enigma - I think there are better items to go for most of the time. The one exception I guess is if your team is really squishy and has no hero capable to tanking. I have added some thoughts on Greaves and Boots of Travel though.
Bukler (1) | May 17, 2015 9:54am
Hey mate, nice guide!
I've recently started to build guardian greevees on the others supports/mek carries and nowdays I'm actually asking if enigma needs more a bloodstone+boots of travels combo or guardian greevees+boots of travel?
Bleak | April 7, 2015 4:54pm
I agree with you on the Soul Ring, and I actually have it in the early core items section.

As for Midnight Pulse, it's pretty situational in regards to the enemy team composition, but I generally like to get 1 lvl in it somewhat early. I think at the very least it makes any ganks on their offlane more effective, and can also be used defensively if you need it.

Trying to land it before a Black Hole is a tricky maneuver, but if you have any sort of setup hero it can be pretty easy. The best for this is probably Magnus, although anyone with an aoe stun or other position lock can manage ( Tidehunter, Warlock, Treant Protector, Disruptor, etc.)
not a raccoon | April 4, 2015 10:28am
I usually go for a Soul Ring as it's spammable and will help me get a Blink Dagger by minute 6 (if jungle is uncontested and your team has a position 5 support).

Regarding skill build, I'll get Midnight Pulse only at level 10, as it's kinda hard to land it before a huge Black Hole.
Bleak | March 10, 2015 10:04pm
Thank you for the feedback. I'm not very experienced with writing guides yet - I'll look into the formatting to try to improve it. The friends, foes, food section will probably be my next addition. I had been thinking about adding that already.
apaz (17) | March 10, 2015 9:32pm
In all, great guide. It may benefit from being formatted differently, however, and you should take a look at that. Rather than using Double brackets for everything, consider using the "Rule" function with pictures with the "Icon" function.

It is a good guide because it covers everything that needs to be covered in a guide. However, perhaps going beyond that and adding more, like a Friends/Foes/Food section, as well as more analysis into your own playstyle. Usually my guides are 15-20K words long.
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