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46 Votes

Atropos, the Bane Elemental

April 3, 2012 by khaxd
Comments: 24    |    Views: 475022    |   

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enunugraha | August 26, 2015 9:44am
I not yet try to use soul rings and arcane boots, but often use void stone for ur mana problem to get Perseverance,

BKB or SB?, is depends ur enemy's if there are some enemy with AOE stun or have tracking, better get BKB. so far I prefer BKB than SB, because SB can be Counter with some item,

dagon?, so far I dont have times for dagon, I focus on scepter and BKB that enough for kill ur target

yes U can get nightmare first, for rune war

and that annoying one is when ur teammates didnt known how nightmare works then ruining war ganking,
Magnus The Red | August 23, 2013 1:36am
AS a usual Bane player, I am honestly not a fan of Necbook (I understand it's uses and value on Bane) but instead of investing in a Eul's, I think a Blink Dagger might be a better investment for positioning purposes.

Overall, good guide though. +1
samukobo (28) | August 17, 2013 9:06pm
ROKOS wrote:

Bane is support hero. You need to level Enfeeble! 1 point on Enfeeble at lvl and 1 point at lvl 3. That's the way to shut down enemy carry's farm in the early game. You don't need sleep at lvl 1 or in the beginning unless your team gank with three-lane the enemy's offlane solo hero or you have a hero advantage at your lane and can gank enemy's, + Sleep is very high mana dependable skill and that's another reason this skill is useless in the beginning. Enfeeble is a must skill in the beginning for most games. You should lvl your skills Enfeeble-->Brain Sap-->Enfeeble-->Brain Sap-->Brain Sap/Enfeeble-->Fiend's Grip-->Brain Sap/Enfeeble-->Sleep/Brain Sap--->Brain Sap/Sleep/Stats... If you shut down enemy's carry farm in early game and place your ulti in the right hero in team fights or ganks... your team will most likely win. I don't recommend trying sleep in team fights because in that time enemy's carry or mid hero can easy approach and kill you + sleep can be interrupted by enemy's supports. You should keep distance and ulti. Lifestealer and Jugger are one of the best enemies you could have. You ulti them even when they're magic immune and it's great advantage for your team. Your carry should kill them in that time or clear the other enemy's heroes. And buy BKB! or you should position yourself very well and have a nice timing for your ulti.

Though I agree with your point that enfeeble should have early levels, it shouldn't be taken at level 1. First, Nightmare is your "safety skill" - it's what gets you out of a tough position. It can be used when you're about to die at level 1, it can be used when an enemy is about to die and you need to chase. Enfeeble on the other hand CAN hinder the enemy carry, but it's more mana intensive than Nightmare because you have to cast it frequently, lowering the mana pool you can work on. Enfeeble is best taken at level 2 or 3, then maxed last.

Not use Nightmare in teamfights? It's a great disable. One hero is shut down for quite a while, another gets the same treatment with Fiend's Grip and a third is Enfeebled and unable to deal physical damage effectively.

And no, you probably can't get BKB because Bane is ran as a #5 support. Though it is of course a great item, it's not worth mustering small amounts of money for instead of wards, tp scrolls, etc

EDIT: make sure you tell your team who you're going to use Nightmare on though, this could cause some trouble without communication.
ROKOS | August 17, 2013 8:11pm
Bane is support hero. You need to level Enfeeble! 1 point on Enfeeble at lvl and 1 point at lvl 3. That's the way to shut down enemy carry's farm in the early game. You don't need sleep at lvl 1 or in the beginning unless your team gank with three-lane the enemy's offlane solo hero or you have a hero advantage at your lane and can gank enemy's, + Sleep is very high mana dependable skill and that's another reason this skill is useless in the beginning. Enfeeble is a must skill in the beginning for most games. You should lvl your skills Enfeeble-->Brain Sap-->Enfeeble-->Brain Sap-->Brain Sap/Enfeeble-->Fiend's Grip-->Brain Sap/Enfeeble-->Sleep/Brain Sap--->Brain Sap/Sleep/Stats... If you shut down enemy's carry farm in early game and place your ulti in the right hero in team fights or ganks... your team will most likely win. I don't recommend trying sleep in team fights because in that time enemy's carry or mid hero can easy approach and kill you + sleep can be interrupted by enemy's supports. You should keep distance and ulti. Lifestealer and Jugger are one of the best enemies you could have. You ulti them even when they're magic immune and it's great advantage for your team. Your carry should kill them in that time or clear the other enemy's heroes. And buy BKB! or you should position yourself very well and have a nice timing for your ulti.
cookiebrawl (1) | March 31, 2013 9:24pm
Hey man nice guide! rofl at your doom comment haha. doom counters like everyone...
I just made a bane guide as well! check it out :)
Ancient Hero (17) | February 27, 2013 9:44pm
Imo a better item would be bkb. It's perfectly counterable once they know you have that SB. Plus its only 12 or so seconds so you have to get in position as well. It's pretty situational though. I mean if they have mag, enigma or heros that have spells that go through bkb SB might not be a bad item. Problem is the damage and attack speed isn't much good on bane. bkb gives you some tankiness with the 10 stregnth. Your english is fine though. :)
taki82 | February 27, 2013 9:28pm
what's your opinion on buildig shadow blade on bane when there's no aoe stunner,silencer on the opposing team? im quite new to dota and i heard that channelling spells wont be cancelled when using SB so i thought bane could ult , invi and have a peace of mind knowing that the enemy cant disturb your ult ( given that they dont buy sentry , gem or doesnt have invi trackers like sladar and bh) and since bane is a ganker,i thought the invi could give the elements of surprise...hope to hear from you soon and sorry for the bad english :(
ClassifiedGamer | January 15, 2013 11:26am
Match - 100455102

I randomed bane for the first time, we were losing the laning phase and mid game by alot, but as I quickly read your guide, i learned how to use my skills more efficently and we turned the tides late game even though we had a ragequitter. Thank you so much for this great guide. +1.

(The match took 80 minutes long...)
Mirror (22) | January 9, 2013 3:04pm
Why has no one said black king bar yet? It lets you take two people out of a team fight late game

Other than that good guild I am going to try to play bane soon or at least have someone on my team play him. +1
Shumski | November 12, 2012 6:33pm
I saw soul ring and yeah this a good guide :) Necronomicon is perfect on him as well :D
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 15, 2012 7:10pm
Don't just say thnx to play dota, say who made the guide fkwit
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