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I'm assuming you're asking why I have chosen to purchase an MKB over a daedulus in the late game.
Well, first let us examine the stats from both items.
+88 damage
+15 attack speed
mini bash-35% chance to deal 100 damage and 0.01 stun,which mathematically converts to an addition of an average of 35 magical damage to every attack
true strike-prevent your true strikes from missing
+81 damaage
critical strike-25% chance to deal 240% crit (25% 2.5x critical = .75 + .25*2.5 = 1.375 = 37.5% damage increase in damage on an average attack)
Daedalus: +81 damage
Basically, from these stats, undertsand that
1) Note: DPS=damage per second and APS=attacks per second
DPS = APS * Damage
Hence, you can see that daedulus becomes increasingly better as your damage increases because
your crit a percentage of your damage. Bonus damage from MKB is a constant and is MAGICAL.
2) If you wish to have more pushing power during the late game, MKB is the
better choice because crit does not work on buildings.
On the other hand, dadeulus would most certainly edge out MKB in a team fight.
3) True strike from MKB is very useful if you see phantom ***sasin, brewmaster or windranger OR
heroes that purchase evasion items like butterfly or heaven's halberd.
In such situations, MKB would without doubt be the better buy.
4) MKB makes every hit count. Dadeulus' crit is based on chance. Daedulus would work better in
an enduring teamfight because the shorter you are with your daedulus in the teamfight, the less
chance you have to crit. Hard to explain in words but i think its pretty logical if you think
about it.
I just want to say that ultimately it is more situation based than fixed and sometimes more of a personal preference. I would get MKB most of the time though. The bonus damage to push those towers is a huge plus point for me. The rest of the points, I' ll leave it for you to weigh yourself i guess.
For example, im just plucking figures from the air,
Viper deals 200 damage per attack and has 200 AS.
(323)(1.15+2) ? (386.375)(1+2)
1017.45 < 1159.125
Daedalus gives more DPS
for example, viper deals 100 damage per attack and has 200 AS
(223)(3.15) ? (248.875)(3)
702.45 < 746.625
Daedalus gives more DPS
for example, deals 100 damage per attack and has 100 AS
(223)(2.25) ? (248.875)(2)
501.75 > 497.75
MKB gives more DPS
If you are a maths person, I'll give you the mathematical explanation. But in a game,really, you wont have the time to work out the figures. Just get a rough feel of how this works.
Note: DPS=damage per second and APS=attacks per second
DPS = APS * Damage
Define pre-existing damage as X, pre-existing AS as Y
Post-Daedalus damage
D = (X+81)*1.375 = 111.375 + 1.375X
AS = Y/100
APS = (1+Y/100)/BAT
DPS = (111.375 + 1.375X)(1+Y)/BAT
MKB: +88 damage + 15 AS
+100 damage 35% of the time = +35 damage per hit
MKB in reality = 88+35 = 123 damage per hit
Post-MKB damage
D = X+123
AS = (Y+15)/100
APS = (1.15 + Y/100)/BAT
DPS = (X+123)(1.15+Y/100)/BAT
Solving for X and Y
DPS output of MKB and Daedalus are the same when:
MKB - Daedalus
(X+123)(1.15+Y/100)/BAT = (111.375+1.375X)(1+Y/100)/BAT
(X+123)(115 + Y) = (111.375+1.375X)(100 + Y)
115X + XY + 14145 + 123Y = 11137.5 + 111.375Y + 137.5X + 1.375XY
3007.5 + 11.625Y = 22.5X + 0.375XY
30075 + 116.25Y = 225X + 3.75XY
120300 + 465Y = 900X + 15XY
8020 + 31Y = 60X + XY
8020 + 31Y = X(Y + 60)
(31Y + 8020)/(Y + 60) = X
If X > (31Y+8020)/(Y+60) buy Daedalus
If X < (31Y+8020)/(Y+60) buy MKB
Random example (note: BAT is not accounted for but it doesn't really matter):
Viper deals 200 damage per attack and has 200 AS.
(323)(1.15+2) ? (386.375)(1+2)
1017.45 < 1159.125
Daedalus gives more DPS
for example, viper deals 100 damage per attack and has 200 AS
(223)(3.15) ? (248.875)(3)
702.45 < 746.625
Daedalus gives more DPS
for example, deals 100 damage per attack and has 100 AS
(223)(2.25) ? (248.875)(2)
501.75 > 497.75
MKB gives more DPS
Conclusion: We all know that Daedalus sucks at low base damage levels.
If you do 100 damage per attack, at what AS does it not matter between MKB and Daedalus?
(223)(1.15 + Z/100) = (248.875)(1 + Z/100)
256.45 + 2.23Z = 248.875 + 2.48875Z
7.575 = .25875Z
29.275 = Z
So if you have 29 AS better to get MKB... and at 30 AS better to get Daedalus?
(223)(1.15+.29) ? (248.875)(1+.29)
321.12 > 321.04875
(223)(1.15+.3) ? (248.875)(1+.3)
323.35 < 323.5375
If you do 75 damage per attack, at what AS does it not matter between MKB and Daedalus?
(198)(1.15 + Z/100) = (214.5)(1+Z/100)
227.7 + 1.98Z = 214.5 + 2.145Z
13.2 = .165Z
80 = Z
Note:IAS=increased attack speed
So if you have 79 IAS better to get MKB and at 81 IAS better to get Daedalus.
(198)(1.15+.79) > (214.5)(1+.79)
384.12 > 383.955
(198)(1.96) < (214.5)(1.81)
388.08 < 388.245
I'm relatively new on Dota2 so I definitely fit the "Beginner - Intermediate" pub gamer. I will defo try this build. Just a question, why not get a crit item?
Something on the late game part, if you feel you're going late and you're start to falling down, and hopefully you have some real hard carry in your team sniper/medusa (even drow is fine, just to list the more common), i think it is a viable solution to switch to the tank role (agh/HoT/bkb) and to be the sacrificial lamb for your team, staing in front, soaking up all the enemy damage (even dying is fine) but letting the others clean the enemy team.
This is not the A-plan, but things often don't go as you expect!XD
(i would like to have explain my ideas better but my English is quite rusty as for now!)
I am surprised that corrosive skin isn't leveled up earlier and more than it is in the early lvl's
And honestly I can't blame him for not going Aghs, item has no scaling whatsoever and we're not in deathball doto anymore :)