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80 Votes

LazyPanda *=== 's guide to Chen "ALL ARE HEALED"

March 3, 2012 by rickondraw
Comments: 24    |    Views: 327346    |   

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Blubbles (13) | June 21, 2014 10:56pm
Very Informative Guide! I have been wanting to earn to play Chen for a while and this guide helped very much. Although what I really need is more practice. +1
Entenei (2) | December 3, 2013 5:09am
Thanks Jabo.
JaboChepelski | September 12, 2013 2:07pm
Entenei wrote:

very nice guide :) made me want to try chen! :) - Also Do 2 times alpha pack leaders aura's stack?

The same aura will not stack. However, getting multiple creeps for different auras would work fine
Entenei (2) | May 10, 2013 3:08am
very nice guide :) made me want to try chen! :) - Also Do 2 times alpha pack leaders aura's stack?
saifthedestroyer (6) | May 7, 2013 5:55am
REALLY NICE GUIDE oh my god man because of this guide i can actually play chen properly. this guide bascally covers everything about him plus 1 for an amazing guide
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | April 28, 2013 7:38am
Beowolf008 wrote:

Great guide btw u mentioned-
Holy Persuasion
What make this spell so unique is that when used on your ally it will send them back to base with a delay of 3 seconds at level 4.
well test of faith sends an ally to d base not Holy persuasion.
xcept dis evry thing is perfect +1!!

That's because back in the days when this guide was made Holy Persuasion was the spell with two effects; it seems this guide hasn't been updated for a long time.
Beowolf008 | April 28, 2013 7:09am
Great guide btw u mentioned-
Holy Persuasion
What make this spell so unique is that when used on your ally it will send them back to base with a delay of 3 seconds at level 4.
well test of faith sends an ally to d base not Holy persuasion.
xcept dis evry thing is perfect +1!!
Crysun | April 14, 2013 2:38am
Very nice guide bro... i'm going to try it out :) Keep like that!
El Capitano (1) | February 19, 2013 9:30am
played chen today and my team loved me also accidently got a 10-1-24 sorry carry if you cant do the business chen will!
Roee | January 4, 2013 9:50am
Great guide!
Can you tell me what are your item hotkeys if the numbers are taken for the groups?
Thanks in advance.
Mirror (22) | January 1, 2013 11:12am
I get the same starting items but I get a tango as well since I have the spare 90 gold. In the jungle you should never have to take hits but they are good when something goes wrong.

I once used a stack of 2 tangos to cut through some trees to escape a hast Queen of Pain then survived her dot because of the heal.

I would like to mention that Chen is countered by 1900 gold. If the cary on the other team get Midas, well there goes your creeps

Other than that this is exactly how I play Chen +1
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