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Theorycrafting: A Different Build for Carry Necro

September 1, 2014 by jonsauce
Comments: 4    |    Views: 17602    |   

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DotA2 Hero: Necrophos

Hero Skills

Sadist (Innate)

Death Pulse

2 4 6 8

Heartstopper Aura

1 12 13 14

Ghost Shroud

3 5 7 9

Reaper's Scythe

10 11 16


15 17 18

Theorycrafting: A Different Build for Carry Necro

September 1, 2014


Greetings viewers of Dotafire. Since I want to jump right into this guide, I'll cut the pleasantries.

My Dotabuff

Who is Necro... Why should I play him like this?

Necrophos is a very strange kind of hero. While he is identified as both a support and a carry, he fits better into the carry role as he makes good use out of farm and doesn't offer as much to his partner as a support. Necro often fills the role of a "utility carry", which is a farmer who gets utility items as opposed to damage items. As such, Necro ends up building "tanky items" as most utility items offer sustain.


Death Pulse
Blocked by Magic Immunity. Not blocked by Linken's Sphere.

Ability Affects Damage
No Target Units Magical
Necrophos releases a wave of death around him, dealing damage to enemy units and healing allied units.
Radius: 475
Damage: 75/125/200/275
Heal: 70/90/110/130
Cooldown 8/7/6/5 Mana 125/145/165/185
Combining his monk heritage with his newfound affinity for plague has a menacing result.


Death Pulse can't be disjointed.
Hits invisible units and units in Fog of War.
Can heal magic immune units.
Projectile move with about 400 movement speed.

Heartstopper Aura
Not blocked by Magic Immunity. Not blocked by Linken's Sphere. Cannot be used by illusions.

Ability Affects Damage
Aura Enemies HP Removal
Necrophos stills the hearts of his opponents, causing nearby enemy units to lose a percentage of their max health over time.
Radius: 1200
Max Health Lost Per Second: 0.6%/0.9%/1.2%/1.5%
Those who come within a short distance of the Necrophos can feel pestilence and plague in the air.


Heartstopper Aura deals HP Removal damage, and thus will not disable abilities or items like Blink Dagger or cancel consumables.
Will not affect ancient units or Roshan, despite going through magic immunity
Displays a debuff on enemy units if they are in the aura's radius and if Necrophos is visible. If Necrophos is out of sight, no debuff is displayed yet the HP removal still occurs.
Illusions usually bestow the aura that the original hero possesses. However, illusions of Necrophos do not have Heartstopper Aura.
Deals damage every 0.5 seconds.

Cannot be purged.

Ability Affects
Passive Self
Revelling in death and pain, the Necrophos gains HP and mana regeneration for killing units. Lasts 6 seconds. Hero Kills give 10 times the bonus.
Duration: 6
Mana Regen Per Second: 2/4/6/10
Health Regen Per Second: 1/2/3/4
Hero kills: Gives 10x the current bonus rate
Poor souls who succumb to Rotund'jere's plagues are recycled for future use.


Sadist is also triggered by denies.
Stacks with itself. Each stack operates independently.
Regen a total of 12/24/36/60 mana and 6/12/18/24 health (120/240/360/600 mana and 60/120/180/240 health for hero kill).

Reaper's Scythe
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Blocked by Linken's Sphere. Cannot be purged. Play

Ability Affects Damage
Target Unit Enemy Heroes Magical
Stuns the target enemy hero, then deals damage based on how much life it is missing. Heroes killed by Reaper's Scythe will have 30% more time added to their respawn timer. Any kill under this effect will be credited to Necrophos.
Range: 600
Stun Duration: 1.5
Damage Dealt Per Missing Hit Point: 0.4/0.6/0.9 (0.6/0.9/1.2*)
Respawn Time Increase: 30%
Cooldown 100/85/70 (70*) Mana 175/340/500 (150/340/500*)
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Damage is blocked; Stun is not
Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Increases damage per HP missing, decreases mana cost for Level 1, and decreases cooldown for levels 1 and 2. Disables buyback for killed heroes.
The amount of death and suffering in the air increases the power of the Necrophos's plague magic.


Damage is calculated and dealt at the end of the stun.
Instant-kill HP threshold, with the base 25% magic resist factored in and without Aghanim's Scepter, can be calculated by multiplying the enemy max health with the constants: 3/13 (23%), 9/29 (31%), or 27/67 (40%) for each respective level of the ultimate. With Scepter, the values change to 9/29 (31%), 27/67 (40%), and 9/19 (47%).
Even if the target is killed by another source before the damage is applied, the kill is credited to Necrophos.

Skill Build

Level 1:
Getting Heartstopper at level is often the best choice in lane. It offers free harass and zoning. It also helps you lasthit by slowly draining the hp of lane creeps.

Levels 2-11:
Maxing both Death Pulse and Sadist will greatly up your survivability in lane and damage potential. These spells aren't very strong with few levels in them, so getting them maxed as quickly as possible is the best way to maximize their usefulness. Your ultimate is also pretty bad at level one, so skipping it for two consecutive levels will greatly increase its power.

Levels 12-16:

Finishing off your Heartstopper is usually the best option to fill the gap between levels 11 and 16. This isn't always the best idea, though, as you may need stats earlier to increase your survivability. Replace these points with stats if this applies.

Levels 17-25:

Stats... Basic stuff.



Tango: Basic regeneration. Use when needed. If you get last hits with sadist active, you shouldn't need much additional regen. Consider getting more regen if you have random money, though.

Iron Branch: Offers you a small amount of stats and builds into a Headdress.

Blades of Attack: Offers you a decent amount of damage during the early stages of the laning phase. Since Necro's animation and damage is pretty poor, this will help you lasthit better. They also build into Phase Boots.

Early Game

Phase Boots: Offers you a pretty decent amount of damage to help your laning. Also offers you the ability to phase, which will greatly increase your low mobility.

Headdress: Builds into Mekansm and offers cheap stats and regen.

Bracer: Cheap source of good stats. Builds into Drum of Endurance.

Magic Stick: Cheap burst heal for laning. Not 100% necessary but is pretty good in almost every game.

Core Items

Mekansm: Offers good tankability, decent stats, and a quick burst heal/armor buff for you and your team. It's a good item to grab for your team.

Drum of Endurance: Offers pretty cost efficient stats, tankiness, and more mobility which you all need.

Magic Wand: Builds from the stick. Gives stats plus more charges.

Late Game and Situational Items

Defensive Items:

Shiva's Guard: Offers lots of armor and lots of int. The aura and active are also pretty useful to your team.

Heart of Tarrasque: Tons of hp and regen. Greatly increases your survivability.

Hood of Defiance: Offers lots of regen as well as the spell resistance.

Linken's Sphere: Situational item. If the enemy team has lots of strong single target disables/nukes, consider getting one. It offers good stats and regen.

Heaven's Halberd: Gives hp, evasion, an on-hit slow, and the ability to disable an enemy's ability to right-click you. Overall useful item.

Force Staff: Useful item as it gives int and hp regen as well as an escape mechanism for you and your team. Consider it if your team lacks one.

Ghost Scepter: Gives decent stats and offers you the ability to avoid getting right-clicked to death.

Offensive Items:

Orchid Malevolence: Offers good dps and mana regen. It also offers you the active silence/burst damage that increases your utility.

Veil of Discord: Offers some armor and regen as well as stats. Consider getting one if your team has lots of magic damage.

Scythe of Vyse: Gives tons int and stats. Also offers one of the best disables in the entire game (hex) as an active ability.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Offers more mobility as well as lots of cheap mana regen. The disable is also useful for catching slippery heroes or protecting yourself.

Rod of Atos: Often overlooked item. It offers a nice amount of int as well as hp. The slow it has is pretty strong and it allows you to chase better.

Necronomicon: Offers hp and int but more importantly gives you stronger pushing potential and true sight (at level 3).

Other Items to Consider:

Black King Bar: A bkb is a strong choice for countering spell damage and disables. It also offers some damage and hp.

Blink Dagger: Greatly increases your mobility. While Necro doesn't really need a blink dagger, it could be really useful for getting in and out of fights (specifically to get your sheepstick off). >New Meta

Bloodstone: Gives tons of hp and mana regen.... but at a cost. It uses charges which can only be earned from player kills. Dying loses charges. Consider it if you're snowballing out of control.

Power Treads: Alternative to your phase boots. They offer attack speed and the ability to tread switch. I prefer phase but these are equally viable.

Aghanim's Scepter: While it greatly increases the power of you ult, Ags should be considered a situational item as it's 4200 gold to prevent your enemies from buying back. The money could go into a heart or a shivas.

Tips and Tricks


Heartstopper does affect jungle creeps (including mud golems). This allows to pull the creeps and (in combination with death pulse) clear them. Stand right around here and wait for the creeps to come to you.
This is a fast way to get some gold needed for your items.

(more tips coming soon)

Friends and Foes


Heroes that can quickly burst heroes down work well with Necro as it makes it easier for him to get off a good ulti.

These include Tiny, Huskar, Nyx Assassin, and Tinker.

Heroes that can increase magic damage also work well with Necro.

These include Elder Titan, Pugna, and Ancient Apparition.


Heroes with high hp regen/high spell resistance counter Necro pretty well.

Huskar is pretty much the hardest counter Necro. He has high hp regen, high burst damage, and gains magic resistance as he lowers in health. Anti-Mage is another good counter. If a Pudge snowballs well, he can also also counter Necro.


Thanks for checking out my build.

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