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36 Votes

Shtangs Critical Drow

August 19, 2012 by Shtang
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stxdpc | October 7, 2012 10:42pm
Yo Shtang, thanks for the the guide. Depending on the situation I adapt the items a bit. If I'm getting slammed and need to head to the fountain early I might grab a ring of regeneration just to keep in the fight. Also, may buy armor late game if that's an issue, you mentioned helm of dominator-- seems to work well, but usually the game won't progress to the period of wasting money on it. By the time the Manta is up and running, Drow should be about level 14 and the game should be more or less over as, ultra kills just hit with the one two silence/frost arrow easy combo. Yasha and 1-5 leveling are keys to getting the game going, sometimes I wait until getting level 6 before picking off guys on T/B. But overall great guide man. Here are a couple of pics. Lost one of these games paying for an upgrade instead of rebuy after whole team bit the dust, lol **** happens.

update: try using helm of dominator and taking command of the head wolf. wolf results in 30% bonus damage-- "pack aura" or some garbage bonus. 30% on top of trueshot, plus critstrike-- game the heck over.

New update since article was written-- new buffs on Drow Ranger, silence/frost arrows/marks/arrows more powerful. Helps A LOT with this strategy.
arenaundead | September 14, 2012 10:14pm
a very good build
aragon00808 | August 11, 2012 6:16am
try this item om drow Phase boots, HoD, Bkb, Manta and Daedalus
isss | August 10, 2012 4:08am
Best item guide here for drow.
but...Skill...realy, you don't need aura at level 1.
You need aura when you got manta, frost and silence fisrt, then aura.
D3n1eD (5) | July 2, 2012 9:12am
Why do people post guides that actually are only item builds? Why? THIS IS NOT A GUIDE. And by the way item build is bd,atleast Mnjolnir. You need lifesteal. And if you did decide to level aura then max it first,youn need only one level of slow....
kirbyruled (16) | June 11, 2012 2:25pm
Not to hate but I -1'd, I appreciate the effort on your first guide but your item build is just...wrong. As a carry, Drow's scaling revolves entirely around stacking Agility (thanks to Trueshot's +28% base damage), which she is fortunate enough to have a nice amount of anyways, thanks to her ultimate. All of these factors come together to make Manta Style the item to get on Drow*; you have a Yasha in your build anyways, why aren't you building a Manta?

* If you are new to image mechanics, here's how they work: images benefit from your STR/AGI/INT but not from items that specifically add damage (Crystalis, MKB, Mjollnir) or attack speed (Treads, Mjollnir). Images cannot proc orb effects as well.
Shtang | June 7, 2012 10:45pm
Im pretty **** tbh and this is my first guide so meh... haters gonna hate
HamSandwich (34) | June 7, 2012 12:13am

Apparently 90% winrate with this build means that you only have to win 50% of your drow games?
Shtang | June 6, 2012 8:14pm
If your expecting drow to get into the fight first then you're doing it wrong champ.... just sayin... and u are not forgiven for your poor english
iN7.Ganker (17) | June 3, 2012 7:39am
I am sorry to take the illusion away from you that this is a good guide. If you are getting focused you drop within 3 seconds this build might actually work at low MMR games but it won't work later on for sure. Even not a single defensive Item mentioned nor the best item on her is mentioned.

Very weak guide, not guiding anyone at all.

If you got nearly no experience then just dont write a guide at all. Even Loveless's guide is better than this.

I am sorry for me poor english.
WDFK | May 29, 2012 10:29pm
Short, precise, and deadly. This is what a Drow's guide suppose to be. +1.
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