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Meepo, The Geomancer. [6.87] Beginner Guide For Meepo.

May 10, 2016 by ethan.kneprath
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Meepo, The Geomancer.

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

Hero Skills

Sticky Fingers (Innate)


1 8 9 10


2 4 5 7


6 12 13 14

Divided We Stand

3 17


15 16 18

Meepo, The Geomancer. [6.87] Beginner Guide For Meepo.

May 10, 2016


Hello! This is the build I use while playing Meepo. First things first, Controls. You're going to want to turn on quick casting, Meepo only has two spells that can be activated so it makes playing him a lot easier. You also should turn on Unified Unit Orders by clicking the gear in the top left and going to the options tab, this allows you to control all of your units by holding the Control key. You'll also want to bind unit cycling to a button that is readily available to you, so you can activate Poof and cycle through the Meepo units quickly. I hope this guide is insightful for you! feel free to ask any questions, constructive criticism is always welcome! and be sure to check out my other guides Here!

Quickcast Location, be sure to rebind the keys after selecting it.

Unified Unit Orders Location.



Meepo throws a net at a target area that binds anyone caught for 2 seconds and prevents blinks, channeled spells, and invisibility. Earthbind has a range of 500/750/1000/1250, with the nets radius being 220. Earthbind has a cooldown of 20/16/12/8 seconds.


Meepo draws energy from the earth and gains the ability to teleport themselves to any other Meepo after a 1.5 second channeling of the spell. Poof will also do 80/100/120/140 magical damage in a 375 radius of Meepo. Poof has a cooldwon of 12/10/8/6 seconds.


Meepos attacks do 8/16/24/32 damage per second and slows for 5%/10%/15%/20% of the targets movement speed for two seconds. Geostrikes from multiple Meepo's stack.

Divided We Stand

Meepo summons an imperfect semi-autonomous duplicate of himself, he can have up to three duplicates (four with aghs). Its also important to note that if the main Meepo or any of the duplicates die, they all die.


Meepo is relatively easy to farm with once Poof is maxed. In lane you should really just focus on staying alive and only farm if it's safe to do so, If Meepo gets shut down early he can have a really hard time late game, so it's best just to play safe. At level 3 you can send another Meepo to the jungle, I wouldn't suggest doing this unless you have a basic understanding on how to micro your units. If you do get shut down in lane focus on farming the jungle to get some items before trying to fight anymore. Remember, you're no use to your team if you're dead before the fight even starts.

Short History

Nobody is really sure what Meepo is. He claims to be a Rat, but that's all we really know. He was the first and only of his kind to seen above ground. Meepo, as his title states, is a Geomancer. Geomancy, the Mancy referring to magic and Geo referring to rock/earth, hes basically a rock wizard. Meepo and his species have developed the ability to move through the ground with great speed. Meepos species live underground, they live in caverns, crevices, and everything in between. In these caverns are some ancient ruins. The Riftshadow ruins. They were left there by a civilization long forgotten. In those ruins they would perform dark rituals and magic. This place is also a treasure trove that draws scavengers from all over. Scavengers like Meepo. In those ruins Meepo found the Riftshadow crystals. If the crystals go off on you, it tears a piece of the soul and creates another being, a duplicate of whomever was unlucky enough to find the crystal. This happened to Meepo, But instead of just one, I created four. The duplicates are semi-autonomous, basically each of them are their own distinct person, but are identical to the original Meepo in every way. They think the same way, feel the same pain, and share the same mind. One of the things Meepo is most known for is their ability to Poof! and disappear into thin air and re-appear next to another Meepo.


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