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Forum » General Discussion » Dota community 21 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Janitsu » March 21, 2015 8:50pm | Report
Swixcap wrote:




1) Realize that most people are ****s!
Ignore these idiots - they are beneath you. Mute those who can't shut up their ****ness.

2) Don't be a **** yourself!
Probably most important of all: Do not complain - encourage your team mates! If they screw up, don't say "****ing idiot", it does not help in any way. Either suggest what they should do or just say "np, we got it" or "dont worry", or nothing! They will be less ****ish, maybe even friendly back, imagine that.

3) Befriend friendly players!
Add them and play with them!

It's really that simple.

EDIT: I wanted to add: I always commend friendly people, and I get a commend myself every third/forth game simply because of this attitude. Don't add to the "toxicity" of the community please; don't be a ****.

Step one: You have to realise that you there is no one holding you down. There are only losers that play games and you. If you give these inbred ***** the upper hand you will always lose the argument. Imgur taught me that the best way to establish dominance is by masturbating and looking the dead in the eye. But since you are a person behind your computer I suggest Skype cyber ("we can cbyer if u wana, if u promice not prnt scrn!! !!" always works).

Step two: If step one failed; it's already looking pretty bad. There is still a chance to win these **** suckers. These ****juggling thunder****s need to learn a proper lesson. They probably never have gotten ***-whooped by their dadas which means they have some serious dad issues. If you can bring up dadas and your happy life with your dada you can show these bungalow destroyers what you are made of.

Step three: Wow! You are really in a bad place and desperate. Now it's time to bring out the big guns! "I am a Valve employee you scrub" is okay but seems a bit "meh", doesn't it? What you must do is this:
Step one: Make a website of you (portfolio-like), fake your name!! (Douglas McKittens is mine so don't go breaking my heart stealing it).
Step two: Add that you are Valve employee AND Janitsu's close friend (you can keep it there for a day without any consequences, I Garentee).
Step three: Link this site and **** them up.

Step four: Seems like you are losing the argument game. Your site probably wasn't impressive or you didn't add you are a close friend of Janitsu. Rookie mistakes which caused you to burn in the 7th circle of Hell DoTA 2. Are you proud of yourself crybaby?



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