October 16, 2014

The Drunkard and the Wolves

Views: 1688 Unscathed
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Hello, Unscathed here. I like to write, that is. Here is a short story for an English assignment at my school for you guys to read. It has some editings, and I am VERY tired when I post this. Feedbacks are welcomed, and I hope you enjoyed!

The Drunkard and the Wolves

Jerry Williams is a drunkard. Once a proud soldier in the king's army, he now spend the rest of his life begging for coin in the streets of Jasper Town. He wore dirty, brown, and ragged clothes fitting for a beggar. With his wild beard and wrinkly skin, no eyes can unlock itself from this man.

One day, he was short of coin. No silver was given today- no mead shall be bought today. He must hold his wants for the day. But then, he saw the tavern. 'The Knight's Flask, the best tavern in town. The smell of the mead is irresistible, the tongue tastes without drinking. It is impossible, for Jerry. He can't go for a day without at least a glass of mead.
He braved to enter. He was not a respected figure, yet the customers

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