October 22, 2014

The Watcher of the Hill

Views: 2749 Unscathed
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watcher  |  hill  |  unscathed  |  village  |  joy  |  illuminating  |  sphere  |  ball  |  bright  |  light  |  trick  |  statue  |  stone  |  flesh  |  skin  |  joy  |  celebration
Hello... welcome to my 2nd blog post. Last time, I wrote horrendously. It may be cause of my arrogance, or my laziness. So here it is, feedbacks and comments are much appreciated.

So I want to write a dark story here, not sure if I make the picture quite clear, because I must admit the dialogs arent that good.

The Watcher of the Hill

Cold wind flows across the Egren village that night. Children ran around the block, playing a game of tag with their partners. Harmony blanketed the village, for it was a night to celebrate- a night to celebrate the Watcher’s work.

Near the village stands a looming hill. Steep road and rocky woods filled up the hill, giving it a unique character. Atop the hill lies the ‘Watcher’, the so called guardian of the hill. For centuries it has set its eyes onto the denizens of the village; ever caring to the land it resides. Whenever evil deeds came by, its doer looks above to the hill to gaze at the Watcher’s eyes. The stare of a Watcher is lik

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