February 13, 2017

The UnTold Chapter 2: Blizzard

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UnTold  |  cm  |  crystal_maiden  |  crystalmaiden  |  death  |  sorrow  |  sacrifice  |  love  |  truelove  |  story  |  sad  |  rylai  |  lina  |  kalder  |  lich
Wind moans like an ill child and brings enunciation of frost and death. The frozen and forgotten lands of North are infamous for their deadly chill that even brings the strongest down; but coldness have never been a problem for us.
With each step I take, Snow around my feet melts and frozen snow touching my skin vaporizes instantly. I can hear Winter Wyverns, flying right above me, waiting till frost deal with me but none of them know how bright my inner fire is. I gaze deeply into the never ending Blizzard and wonder when my quest ends.
As I walk on the snow covered ground, an icicle falls next to me and creates a small cloud of swirling snow, The hallucinatory dance of snow flacks remind me the hungry flames that destroyed the Radiant.
After our teams failure, Dire dark forces took over the Radiant and destroyed it all. I saw my home turning into ash and my friends burning alive. I can still feel the stench of burning flesh and death.
I was immune to the flames but my friends weren…
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