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Dota 2 Terms I hate

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Forum » General Discussion » Dota 2 Terms I hate 12 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » July 13, 2014 6:25am | Report
Timminatorr wrote:

The therm noob hero actually makes sense. If i see a drow ranger or sniper getting picked on my team i will judge them earlier. If i end up supporting them in a dual lane,( which is the case in more then 90% of the cases becouse no one pickes those heroes at the level where trilanes are standard)...

Sadly, 90% of players don't know how to utilize these Heroes properly. 8{(

Drow Ranger - best played as a Solo Safe/Mid when you're running an Aggressive Tri-Lane with 3 Ranged Heroes, e.g. Mirana, Rubick, Ancient Apparition. Chilling Touch + Precision Aura ftw! Not to mention how the added Damage can potentially make it easier for the other 2 Cores to Last Hit against their opponents. 8{3

Sniper - A good Solo Mid if you can protect him. Max Shrapnel early on and use it to Push the Tower down from far away, then Rotate and repeat, Rotate and repeat, ez Tier 1s. So long as there isn't a Treant Protector around, the Tier 1 Towers are defenseless against him (remember, there's no Backdoor Protection on Tier 1s)
Timminatorr wrote:

Just a sidenote i love playing riki becouse of his mobility, and he is pretty strong against heroes like anti mage and ember. The mistake people make is that they dont farm with him, while i finish tge game with 200 lasthits.

Pair him up an Io for maximum effect! 8{D
Timminatorr wrote:

I will start roaming or joining the other lane becouse it is not worth my time to support a mediocre player on a very mediocre hero.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » July 13, 2014 7:35am | Report
I was trying to communicate with my team yesterday, but noone replied. I was like: "I am gonna support"; "Someone pick carry and go top with me"; "I will get wards"; etc. basic stuff, and then 1 player said:

- "stfu stop flaming"

I died.


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