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11 Votes

Enchantress: Support? B**** please

February 10, 2013 by Black Jack
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Mirror (22) | February 10, 2013 4:35pm
Wait wait wait! You are not putting Enchantress in the jungle? If she is supporting a lane how on earth do you farm 6000 gold, as a SUPPORT! Enchantress does great vs heros that auto attack, since that is the case there is no need to get an item like vanguard. Syth of Vice: one of the greatest supporting items ever. This fixes your mana problems (to some extent) gives good damage and shuts down right clickers.

For the cary build there are some, um good word needed, problems. you say Enchantress has low move speed many times. She has 310, an above average move speed. You say "get first blood" that is a little harder to do without her ganking ability. The gold farmed for support is greater than the gold farmed for cary, that is just wrong.

At the start of the game you need STATS and HEALS. STATS for last hitting and that extra damage on harass. HEALS so you can stay in lane longer. Sure boots can get you out of the fight faster but you would never be in a fight since you cannot heal off any damage you take. In a perfect game you would not take damage but something will go wrong. By no means are boots bad items, they are one of the best but you can get them 1-2 min into the game with no harm done. you also have great move speed without boots.
ghOstGROBI | February 10, 2013 4:34am
nice !
Ancient Hero (17) | February 3, 2013 1:16pm cant hae 3 levels of untouchable by level 4... Plus, she can probably farm better as a jungler with enchant.
Prome (2) | February 3, 2013 11:48am
you propose that enchantress can farm:
800 gold in 5 minutes
further 2200 gold in another 5 minutes
further 4200 gold in another 6 minutes

Black Jack | January 20, 2013 7:04am
as my friends have all just told me my English sucks despite its my first language so ignore the mistakes and guess i will eventually edit it
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