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Why do I die so fast?

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Forum » General Discussion » Why do I die so fast? 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Rykard101 » February 3, 2018 8:17pm | Report
I just started playing Dota 2, let's get that out of the way first.
Next, I suck. Everything is going so fast I die before I can get into a fight. I know I am new, but what is the secret? I go to a lane, dead. Respawn, go to the lane, dead. Rinse and repeat.

I will keep going, but how long do I need to play before I see SOME improvement, 20 hours of dying? I have watched vids, read articles, tried and retried the lessons, dead, dead, dead.

Is there a place I can join a team that stinks as badly as I do? I have so many questions and I do not know who or where to ask.

Anyway, I am sure you all felt the same when you started out...100 games? 40 hours? how much time to invest before I see a bit of learning? What items to buy, just farm middle lane to get to 25?

Why do other bots kill me instantly and I cannot harm them at all. Aren't we all starting out at 1?

Oh well, enough for now. Thanks and I hope I didn't make anyones eyes bleed. Thank you.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sernyx » February 4, 2018 12:13am | Report
My guess is that you either tend to play too aggressively, or don't give that much attention to your surroundings. I really wouldn't recommend playing aggressive in bot matches because bots usually can't support you at all.

There are plenty of decent item builds for each and every hero, just click the "All builds" button above the recommended items in the shop.

Differents heroes have different damage outputs. Some heroes can be good in the beginning of the game, some others only start to be impactful later on with some farm and levels.

Don't be afraid to ask, we've all been new in our time. Actually this is the main problem with Dota that Valve didn't really bother with the learning aspect that much, and you aremade to do your research yourself.

There's a New Player Help section in this forum, check it out! Or just PM if you're not feeling easy abput it)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 4, 2018 1:19am | Report
Hey Rykard! Welcome to DotA 2 and to DOTAFire!

Every new player is struggling with the game at the beginning, but once they get the hang of it everything is much better and the learning process greatly increases in speed and efficiency.

Besides the points brought up by Sernyx, another good thing you can do to speed up your learning process is to read some guides and maybe to watch some players that have been playing for a while. Watching how they play will greatly improve your idea and perspective of the game, you'll see yourself doing it at every skill level you're reaching.

Don't give up and good luck! Here is an invite to our Discord server if you would like to find people to play with.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by RadwanX » February 4, 2018 3:18am | Report
Hey Rykard! Welcome to Dota2 !

I'm not the greatest player out there but I believe I could give you some tips. If you'd like you can add me on Steam and I can couch you and watch you play so that we know what really is the issue you are facing that mostly causes you to die.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Masked_Man98 » February 4, 2018 9:33am | Report
Hey welcome to Dota 2 and its heaven,
ok first thing is about aggression. The more aggressive you play the more risky it gets and since you are new, Dying a lot is normal.
The first thing I suggest is working on your laning first and no hero is better than Sniper for a new blood like you. Trust me laning its self teaches you a lot.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by AngeloBangelo » February 19, 2018 8:31pm | Report
You will die less as you learn lane matchups, as well as the burst and sustain capabilities of heroes depending on their skill builds and item builds.

Sometimes you will be the safe lane carry against a very strong off laner or combination of off laners. You need to recognize when it is best to farm, go for kills, or just sit there and soak up experience. Different heroes are more or less powerful at different times. When you go to farm, you may be making yourself vulnerable when you are weak against your opponents.

Here are two opposing examples:

Strong laning HC, strong laning sup, defensive off
Gyro/Ogre vs Magnus
This should be very easy for ogre to zone and gyro should free farm

Weak laning HC, weak laning sup, aggressive off
alch/oracle vs timber
This will be a very hard matchup and as alch you will have to do a lot of jungling to maximize your farm. You will not be able to farm safely unless your mid or off lane are able to make rotations. Or if other lanes pressure towers to the point that Timber needs to leave lane to help them

Hopefully that helps.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jenniferpitra » April 25, 2018 5:19am | Report
Dota 2 isn’t about individual efforts, and no, you cannot single-handedly carry the game. This is the one aspect that sets pros apart from the noobs. And chances of you surviving after a solo attempt are also pretty bleak so why even try in the first place. I you used the quote for "Don't be a Rambo"


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