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Nerfed Effect of Vanguard on Ranged Heroes is Horrible Game Design

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Forum » General Discussion » Nerfed Effect of Vanguard on Ranged Heroes is Horrible Game Design 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 30, 2017 12:52pm | Report
It really really really is... think about it...

50% chance to block 8 damage instead of 16 damage on ranged heroes should have never been

Sure, maybe it could have been 33 % armor reduction for ranged heroes, BUT NOT 50% chance to block 8 damage.

Block doesn't even scale! This tends to go with the intelligence class theme that posses most of the ranged heroes, and do most of the magic damage which also doesn't scale! THEY GO HAND AND HAND!

Squishy heroes, which would be those heroes that have lower life pools are SUPPOSE TO GET BLOCK, this is part of their defensive nature and philosophy of durability

Heroes that have higher life pools are SUPPOSE to get armor and percentage magic resist because it is part of their nature and philosophy of durability

The biggest flaw in dota 2 was and will always be the fact of the reduced block effect for ranged heroes.

Why did this effect ever take place? Because of some B.S. assumption that Mage > Warrior out of the box. This is absolutely not the case in dota 2. Intelligence heroes are perceived as being smaller and less clunky, therefor having greater accuracy. This would suggest that intelligence heroes generally have a greater attack range and greater mobility then the other classes.

This is not the case... so the assumption that the Mage > Warrior is all based on flawed perception, that actually isn't even remotely close the reality of the game's design.

You got heroes like crystal maiden and visage who go well below the 300 movement speed average of all heroes. Intelligence heroes simply do not move faster and attack from a greater range to have this burden of only getting half the block amount from vanguard.

By excluding vanguard you force the intelligence squishes to rush evasion which the game has seemingly just been reducing the cost of for eons...

Fix the fundamentals of the g*damn game design

Know that block in its full effect is essential for the ranged squishy heroes

And if you can't bring yourself to do so, then learn how to open your mind and adapt to what is absolutely essential

Just make it so that vanguard has an active ability which disables basic attacking in order to yield its full effect on ranged heroes

There, are you happy?

Inconvenient game design nonsense just to force what is a necessity of classic fundamental rpg game design.


Notable (9)
Posts: 625
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » June 30, 2017 5:20pm | Report
In final thought, going back to previous thread on

"reworking intelligence"

So here is a good idea

How about when an Intelligence Hero Dies, his Spirit is left behind (as intelligence also= spirit)

This spirit is invulnerable and cannot cast spells, but retains the previous attack damage of the hero for which it embodied

If the hero did not have any mana left upon death, then no spirit is created

So the spirit allows the player to use up the rest of the mana pool that did not get used after death with basic attacks. The mana cost for what ever damage the player had per attack is calculated in the same way of diffuse blade.

.8 damage per 1 mana

so if you do 80 damage, it costs you 100 mana per attack, and if you only had 100 mana left over then you only get one attack before your spirit dies.

The spirit cannot regenerate mana

The player who killed the body does not get gold or experience credit until the spirit is dead

The spirit could stay alive until respawn timer is finished if the player does use up the rest of the mana

It's too bad that no one recognizes how huge of a problem this has always been and currently is to this date

It seems that it would actually be worth it to get intelligence stat on heroes like skywrath mage now that have a damage growth suggesting "spell caster carry" when it never is.... skywrath, the hero itself would be much more viable now

In final consideration, it's not that all intel heroes should have this ability, rather, it just should be some kind of purchasable that occupies an item slot.

So any hero could buy what ever this component is, but you would see more intel heroes buy it then anything else since they typically have the most mana left upon death.

Then, once it is realized that intel ranged heroes have been getting shorted on both sides of the spectrum all along, they will have no choice but to go back and implement the change and the addition to the game simply out of ethical spirit.

You can't go double screwing a class for so long and then only half *** the correction of it so many years later... fix both sides like you were humans that actually had some decency.


Notable (9)
Posts: 625
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyfoid » July 19, 2017 12:42pm | Report
I wanted to finalize this post with the point that even if vanguard is suppose to have diminished effect on ranged heroes, this only then shows how messed up the intelligence class actually is.

If they keep block and vanguard as is for ranged heroes for the intelligence class, then all other classes should have equally as many melee heroes as there are ranged heroes in their class.

Ok so take the argument against this, fine... the intelligence class should have the most ranged heroes and the least amount of melee heroes.... but then this only reveals that of the melee heroes there are, the roles are not thoroughly covered by them to a great enough degree which only suggests that ogre magi and dark seer are lacking the elements to cover all the bases which should also include carry and pusher.

Is dark seer or does dark seer provide those elements alone? With the new talent tree?

In the new talent tree, dark seer gets % evasion which is a carry concept.

I guess I should say that I wish that the intelligence class at least had one melee hero that was a carry pusher, unlike psuedo dark seer.


Notable (9)
Posts: 625

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