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Going to need some input.

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Forum » General Discussion » Going to need some input. 28 posts - page 3 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Safecyn » April 17, 2016 11:47am | Report
BK! YOU AND ME SHOULD CAST TOGETHER IT WOULD BE AMAZING. Plus your voice is better for radio than mine.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by michimatsch » April 17, 2016 1:31pm | Report
Let's see if the multicast procs....


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Smuggels » April 17, 2016 4:56pm | Report
Fedorable wrote:

Alright, I'll have the squad look over this. Our next opponent plays tonight, if you want to help me strategize, I'd appreciate it.

sure just let me know what your thinking :D



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fedorable » April 17, 2016 6:17pm | Report
Smuggels wrote:

sure just let me know what your thinking :D

Our next opponent is the "Sons of Decay" here are their games they played.

It's not much of a sample size, but I'm starting to get a general idea of how I plan to approach this draft.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Safecyn » April 17, 2016 7:34pm | Report
Sample size being what it is, I can't say too much about Sons of Decay, but it looks like they like to run fragile, high damage output carries and then draft a defensive support to keep them alive. Dazzle is their first pick up in game number two, even. It's very telling that Monochrome drafted Doom in both games, and in both games they ended up winning: if you've got a competent Doom in your stack and you see them pulling a similar draft as to what's here, that's probably something you'll want to roll out.

The fact that they pulled a completely different set of five heroes each game does hamper our ability to hone in on their players' strengths, though it does show that they've got a decent hero pool under their belts.

Also, if it ever finishes processing, I've uploaded the cast of game 2 here. Game's 1 cast was somehow more terrible than this one, so I'm hiding it in shame XD. I'll upload this vid to the video portion of the site as well, I s'pose.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Smuggels » April 17, 2016 8:53pm | Report
so looking at their games i can tell u 8 things.

- control for their safelaner.
- they dont like to do anything that is heavy into roaming.
- the pos 5 is always very defensive. dazzle winter omni dazzle dazzle omni
- the pos 4 usually is weak as well but impactful going into middle game. ogre venge witch doctor
- weak safelaner that is not mid game orientated they always pick something for latemid to late. AM, medusa, spectre, ember
- offlaner is all over the place with results, dont let him void i feel its one of his stronger heros and if you do then grab a earth shaker or Winter.
- the pos 4 is horrible with positioning so anyranged stun on ur team will lead to kills when he overextends. which he does.... a lot.
- dont worry about their carry unless he has a flash farming hero. he cant farm to a great standard unless he has a gyro medusa am. his spec ls/10 is horrible. pressure him on any hero which can flash farm and he will have trouble, do it on one that doesnt and he will fail hard.

notes: their mid isnt very good. he has a hero pool of 4 heroes he can play well. sf pudge QoP and wind. if you bans go as normal with OD and invoker banned then you let throuhg the sf and go a heavy roamer like bounty or es and watch him fail hard on sf. ban wind i think and he wont have much else to play.

if i were you id let DP go through in the draft and hope they let it go then grab it 4th or 5th with a bounty maybe go sven or lycan with offlane darkseer/NP and a defensive support like witch/rubick/oracle.

or if i was really me id go aggrio trilane with a push aspect and roll over them before 20 mins. they always defensive tri and with the correct aggro u will force them to fall apart.

Secondary notes:

pick on the mid or the offlaner and make it obvious you are picking on him and since they have lost the past 7 games as a team i feel they will fall apart at the seems.

if you have first pick let OD or DP through.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fedorable » April 19, 2016 11:44am | Report
UPDATE: The league groups have been reorganized and our record has been reset. We're going to be in Group S from here on out and if the schedule is accurate, our first opponent is going to be "Mi Ranchito"

Since Sons of Decay isn't in our new group, I'm going to have to rethink my draft strategy and study up on these two games.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Smuggels » April 19, 2016 12:22pm | Report
well ban phoenix first and watch there offlaner have nothing to play.

at 380 games on the bird ban it and watch him be forced into something he has less then 50 games on.

seriously i would ban it first as a psyche out kinda thing. like yes we did our homework were coming for you suckas kinda thing.

ill have a look indepth a bit later.



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