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SleepyBoy's guide to Nyx Assassin

October 17, 2014 by SleepyBoy1998
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SleepyBoy1998 | October 18, 2014 5:04pm
Really? Linken's Sphere doesn't bloxk Vendetta? I thought that it was a single target skill so Linken's Sphere would block it.
I am sorry for the lack of content. I was going to post this at a later stage but I accidentallly hit the publish button instead of the save button. I will add more content to this guide since Nyx is one of my favourite and best heroes.
Nyx is a hard hero since he really has to pick his carefully or end up die by his victim.I have seen a lot of SEA Nyx players fail to play him, and that just make me really sad.
Blink Dagger is a item that I hardly pick up on Nyx since I was to busy upgrading my Dagon, but I will consider picking up earlier for the mobility. Same with Orchid Malevolance and Eul's Scepter of Divinity, I will test this out and see how effective it is.
Thanks for the tips guys
Zerak Kyria (8) | October 17, 2014 7:04pm
Uh, Linken's Sphere doesn't block ur ulti. only Mana Burn and Spiked Carapace.
and maxing Mana Burn last isn't the most ideal as it is amazing during the mid game, gives you more kill potential especially against int heroes and the cooldown is ridiculous at lvl 4.
some items that can be good on nyx; Orchid Malevolence: turns your ganking potential even greater with the extra 50% increase in damage.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity: mana regen, bonus speed and can be useful for removing someone from a fight for 2 secs or saving an ally from a projectile.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | October 17, 2014 11:35am
urn is better as nyx will be ganking and will get charges from kills.

why is Blink Dagger listed as "Luxury" when it is actually core?

need a lot of more content as nyx is not an easy hero,mind you, and there needs to be a lot of explaination there.
soybn (1) | October 17, 2014 11:14am
Is it not worth considering a bottle rather than urn?
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